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Summary Article Global Warming Started to Happen In A Long Time Ago

Faridadwi18 67 / 93  
Aug 27, 2016   #1
Many people think that global warming is started from 20th century. According to new study from Australian National University which is published by Nature prove that human have been contributing to global warming since mid-nineteenth century. The climate changes are witnessed by people started from 180 years ago. The data which researchers looked for is natural resources such as coral and ice. They have a diagnose that the difference in temperature increase between different geographic locations across the globe to a variety of climate factors including ocean circulation. This is the reason why the temperatures in Arctic rises faster than in Antartica. Although, the contribution of human in greenhouse gas emission bigger in this century than in the past. The higher number of people who do littering and deforestation make the earth warmer than before. If this continue to happen human will begin to feel the worst impact of increasing temperature.

Link : time.com/4461719/global-warming-climate-change-humans/

Wolf Larsen - / 109  
Aug 27, 2016   #2

Your text will sound much better if some of the contained sentences are to be paraphrased as follows:

Many people [...] believe that.... has started from [...] in the 20th century.
According to [...] the new study by..., which was published in the Nature magazine (?), humanity has been contributing to the phenomena ever since the mid-19th century.

This implies that [...] the climate changes we are witnessing right now began to take place as far back, as 180 years ago.
The data [...] Such a finding has been brought about by the scientific research, conducted over the samples of coral reefs and ice.
They have [...] Scientists concluded that throughout the time-period in question, there has been a steady increase of the atmosphere's average temperature, which in turn can be linked to a variety of the climate-affecting factors, such as the circulation of water in oceans.

This [...], in fact, is one of the reasons why...
Although [...] However, there can be only a few doubts that it was namely during the 20the century that humanity has contributed the most towards triggering the so-called 'greenhouse effect'.

The higher [...] In this respect, the human activities of littering and deforesting appear to have been especially contributive.
If this continues [...] to happen, humanity will be forced to pay a heavy price.

I hope this came of help. Regards.

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