Nowadays, most of children have spent their time to study. The reason for this is that they want to get better grade in their school or university for a great value from the environment. According to this article, all of scholars in United States have taken some classes during summer holiday and they cannot feel about day off. However, this condition especially happens for the first year learners because they want to survive in college-life and also to get the A-grade. As a result, most of them are getting stressful every day in daily life. According to Associated Press researcher in 2009 found that about eight out of ten a third level education scholar felt stress daily. Furthermore, there are some methods for students to maintain their stress. According to Deborah Rozman, a Ph.D. and CEO of HeartMath, by creating a loving feeling, people can significantly reduce their stress. Another way to help this problem is that students have to get more time for resting. A study by University of California and Stanford in 2006 discovered that with a more sleep, learners can make a better perform on their brain function. Finally, I suggest that all of students have taken more time for themselves to get better quality in their education.