Cutting-edge technology has been appiled for many perspective nowadays, particularly Computer-based working. Many convenient spesific sofwares embed and lounced to improve productivity. Architechture approach is one of common acccupations that use computer to elevate the productivity. Therefore, architecture researches have been persuing to develop and designed sophisticated softwere based on technique or requirement.
Recent progrmas which are being used have several problems regarding on picture display, one of those is rather stark picture sresult which is not suitable for brochure. According to Simon Schofield, a researcher at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies at Cambridge, he explained that 'Architects hate presenting too 'real' an image to clients early on, because it suggests they have already made decisions.' an implementation of it, now he create a form of 'computerised brass rubbing' which is developed in order to change the skets into impressionist painting. It improve the quality display and provide architect many features. as result, the result become more attractive and more gergously intresting.
Recent progrmas which are being used have several problems regarding on picture display, one of those is rather stark picture sresult which is not suitable for brochure. According to Simon Schofield, a researcher at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies at Cambridge, he explained that 'Architects hate presenting too 'real' an image to clients early on, because it suggests they have already made decisions.' an implementation of it, now he create a form of 'computerised brass rubbing' which is developed in order to change the skets into impressionist painting. It improve the quality display and provide architect many features. as result, the result become more attractive and more gergously intresting.