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The table shows the tourist numbers and tourist spending in five countries in 2012 and 2013

muathuthattuyet 5 / 4  
Aug 23, 2016   #1
The table compares the tourist number and their spendings in five different countries, namely France, the USA, Spain, China, and Italy between 2012 and 2013.

It is noticeable that there was an overall increase the volume of visitors and the money they spent over the period given and while France remained the most popular tourist attraction, it was the USA that accounted for the greatest amount of tourist spending.

In terms of visitor number, in 2012, about 83 million people traveled to France, and this then rose slightly to 84.7 million in the following year. The USA, Spain, and Italy also followed a similar pattern. Starting at 66.7, 57.5 and 46.4 million, the figures for travelers to these countries underwent a minimal increase to 69.8, 60.7, and 47.7 respectively over a 2-year period. On the contrary, China visitors dropped steadily from 57.7 million in the first year to only 55.7 million in the second year.

As regards tourist spendings, the USA topped the table with 126.2 billion dollars in 2012 and 139.6 billion dollars in 2013. Despite attracting the biggest amount of travelers, only 53.6 billion dollars were spent by tourist to France, which then went up to just over 56 billion dollars one year later. Likewise, the remaining countries also experienced a constant rise in their figures from .... to ....

ekalamarsyari11 72 / 108 9  
Aug 23, 2016   #2
The table comparesthe tourist numbers and their spendings money in five different ...
it should be better if you paraphrase the statement from the question
The table shows how many visitors and how much money that they spent for enjoying a holiday in five different countries,.......

the period given
it should be: the given period

Overall , It is noticeable that there was an overall increase .....

terms of visitor numbers

then rose slightly to 84.7 millions in the following year

As you can see that you made some mistakes in putting plural and singular noun properly
Faridadwi18 67 / 104 13  
Aug 23, 2016   #3
Hi muthu,

Let me help you to rewrite your introduction,

The table gives information about the number of tourists and how much money which they spend in five different countries between 2012 and 2013. Overall, it can be seen that the number of visitors and the money had an increase in a year. the most popular tourist destination is in France while the country which get the highest income is in USA.

- ... about 83 millionS people traveled (...) slightly to 84.7 millionS in the following year. (do not forget about singular and plural)

Hopefully it helps. Keep Writing

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