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Taking a gap year before entering university is the choice of many high school graduates

Khanh2901 1 / -  
Sep 12, 2018   #1

Benefits of a Gap Year

At the present time, taking a gap year before entering university is the choice of many high school graduates . Doing this can be both beneficial and harmful.

There are several benefits to taking a gap year. One advantage could be that taking a year off provides gappers opportunities to step out of their comfort zone and try out new things. This leads to traveling and working in different countries. Therefore, they can expand their knowledge and gain more real-life experiences. As a result, you will become more mature. Another beneficial could be that gap year helps students clarify their goals for school and work. So that, this allows they to choose the right university in the future.

On the other hand, taking a year off brings certain disadvantages. Firstly, living far away from family and friends may make you get home sick as you struggle to adapt a new culture. Moreover, gappers lack support from family and friends and thus, they must deal with all of problems on their own. Secondly, planning a gap year is challenging. If students have lack of planning, their year off will be hurtful. So, they may easily feel depressed.

In conclusion, although taking a gap year has advantages, it also has several drawbacks.
kalyn 2 / 6  
Sep 13, 2018   #2
your essay is lacking of words count and idea. ielts task 2 demands 250words in your essay but your essay only contains 210. I think you should expand it
HanNguyen0510 18 / 40 17  
Sep 15, 2018   #3
Hi Khanh,
I think your essay is good when you presented a full structure of a paragraph. However, I have some opinion about your writing.

1/ You have a lot of repeated words such as "gapper" "gap" "lack" etc
2/ It appears to me like spoken English than written English. I could understand what you are discussing, but it less formal which is required in writing task.

3/ You stated your idea clearly; however, it did not show a deep controversial in your essay, lack of detail and supportive opinion.

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