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By taking a side job, children would learn something that they cannot get from school

andika08 81 / 80 16  
Oct 22, 2016   #1

In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong while others consider it as valuable work experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion

In some countries many children not only studying at school, but also work at the workplace. Some people say that it has a positive and negative impact for them in the future. Even though, children can get valuable lesson from their paid work, I prefer that children should stayed at school for studying and increasing their knowledge because their metal age is not ready to face the true life of working.

By taking a side job, children would learn something that they cannot get from school. In their office work, there are many adult people who have many experiences and can share one another. For instance, children working at the cafe, would learn about socialisation with the old people and gain new experience that they cannot get in the school. As result, the children can adapt with adult people easily.

On other hand, children have to study at school and find more about the knowledge. This is because their psychology is not suitable to working place. Their age is still young and it means that they should use their leasure time with their similar age for playing. In the future they can feel the impact from their hard study and they could be at the highest level of education. For instance, survey about under age worker in central institution of statistic state that just 10% children can use the equipments in the office like computer and cannot work full day activity. It makes the company not satisfied about their work.

I believed that children should study at the school rather than taking a job because they responsibility is find more knowledge. If they taking a job it would be interfere their focus in school and children activity can be oversee in the school by parents.

In conclusion, children can achieve many experience in the workplace not only in the school. However, their psychology is not suitable for doing the job as their age is need improvement for the future. I suggested parents should give more attention on their children for getting a better future.
kiki23 37 / 64 4  
Oct 22, 2016   #2
Hi! I have some feedback for you!

In conclusion, children can achieve many experience in ... should be
... experience not only by attending formal education in the school but also by having part time job.

... is not suitable for doing the job as their age is need improvement for the futurenot mature yet .

I suggested parents should give more attention ... should be
I would like to suggest parents to give more attention on their children so that they can have a better future.

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