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IELTS 2 - teach children at home or at schools

mcuong01 12 / 24 3  
Jan 18, 2013   #1
Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of the society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss about these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that schools should be mainly responsible for teaching children whereas others assume that parents are just who accept that liability. In my opinion, children would be more likely to be well behaved provided that they received education from both their family and schools as a result of following causes.

First of all, no one can deny that schools are one of the best environments to study about both knowledge and moral. In fact, pupils at schools have the chance to learn strictly censored lessons under the direction of qualified teachers, which is rarely seen at home or many other places in the society. Nevertheless, thoughts of children are impacted by not only teachers at schools but also others around them such as their siblings or close friends.

Therefore, I hold the view that parents surely have heavily influence on the development of their children's characters. Indeed, since being tiny kids, the vast majority of children have had the habits of aping their closest people's behaviors. In most cases, this plays an extremely vital role in laying the foundations for the life ahead of them. When they grow up, although their thoughts get more and more complicated as a mixture of numerous different ideas and cultures, education from their parents still have an important part in shaping their own characters.

In brief, children should be looked after by both their parents and teachers. Without either of them, immature children shall be more likely to develop improperly and become negative members of the society.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Jan 18, 2013   #2
Therefore, I hold the view that parents surely have heavily influence on the development of their children's characters.

Therefore, I hold the view that parents have significant influence on development of their children's character.

Hmm I like how you bring your idea. It is very clearly done.. :)
thanh_bin90 2 / 5 1  
Jan 18, 2013   #3
your essay it is good, but it is not enough less 250 words :D
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 18, 2013   #4
Some people believe that schools should be mainly responsible for teaching children whereas others assume that parents are just who accept that liability.

...whereas others assume parents are primarily responsible for this task.

children would be more likely to be well behaved provided that they received education from both their family and schools as a result of following causes.

You can say this idea in a more simple tone and that would be much more interesting. The most important thing in essay writing is clarity of your ideas and how creatively they are presented.

My suggestion;
In my opinion, both family and school should play important roles in educating children. Therefore this is a shared responsibility of parents and school.
OP mcuong01 12 / 24 3  
Jan 18, 2013   #5
Hi thanh_bin90 and dumi.
Thanks a lot. I'll pay more attention on that.
salmav 8 / 27 4  
Jan 18, 2013   #6
"... shall be more likely" -> are likely or will be likely.

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