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IELTS: traditional skills and ways of life die out because of technology

mohamedtheking 4 / 6 1  
May 15, 2014   #1
IELTS: Writing Task2

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out.It is pointless to try and keep them alive.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

You should write at least 250 words.

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Today, many nations develop their technologies in order to raise the standards of living of their citizens.But, when a country makes its technological development, the traditional skills and ways of life in that country inevitably die out.I believe there is no good reason to try to keep these things alive.

When a new technology is developed in any place, the traditional skills and ways of life in that place often cease to exist as a result of this.For example, people in the past, especially during pre-historic times, were used to live in caves.But, when houses were built , people no longer lived in caves.Another example, is that people used animals such as camels and horses as means of transport.After the invention of motor vehicles, they did not depend on these animals for transfer anymore.Instead, they will drive their cars or use the public transport system.However, in some poorer countries we can see animals like horses and donkeys are still used for transfers.Some people believe it is necessary to keep the traditional ways of life.According to them, traditions are important parts of a country's culture.If traditional skills and ways of life in a country died out, then this would probably have a negative impact on this country's culture.Even though this view might be right, I think it is pointless to try to preserve the traditional skills and ways of life.

In my opinion, technological developments are more important than keeping traditions.I think so, because technology has made our lives better and easier.For instance, cell phones enable us to contact our acquaintances and friends easily and quickly.Another technology that has influenced us is the Internet.Undoubtedly,the Internet has a great impact on our lives.For example, students are now able to access thousands of dictionaries and reference books online.Also, the Internet makes it possible for some children to study at home instead of going to schools.In addition, we can keep in touch with people who are living abroad by social networking.

The conclusion is that countries should continue to develop their technologies, even if this will lead to the death of some traditional skills and ways of life.Technological developments are essential to make our lives easier and improve the standards of living.

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I hope I could write a better essay than this.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
May 15, 2014   #2
But, when a country makes its technological development, the traditional skills and ways of life in that country inevitably die out.

... this is the statement that explains the background of the issue.
Better present this as a statement subject to argument because you are supposed to tell the reader about your opinion on this.
dumi 1 / 6924 1592  
May 16, 2014   #4
When a new technology is developed in any place..

This body para looks pretty lengthy. Since this task is a time bound one, it is dangerous to spend lots of time in one section of the essay. So stick to the approach Pahan has provided you in your other thread;


Your main goal should be to complete the task on time. Have you been able to complete this within 30 mins?
zeable 1 / 5 2  
May 17, 2014   #5
Hi, I am also working on Ielts preparation. Very happy to read your eaasy and share my knowledge with you.

As a task 2 topic, I find that it is a little difficult to deal this topic with only one side opinion. If I were you, probable I will write a balanced essay like this:

1st paragraph: introduction
2nd paragraph: the advantages of technologies
3rd paragraph: the benefits of preserving some traditional skills and ways of life
4th paragraph: conclusion

However, there is no absolutely right answer to a writer's opinion :)

It would be better if you improve the topic sentence in paragraph 2 in order to make it as clear as the one in paragraph 3. It took me a while to figure out what you wanted to say in paragraph 2 was the inevitable extinction of old skills and types of lifes were the nature of evolution, which was beneticial and there is no necessity to reverse it.

Moreover, it seems to me that your arguments in P2 and P3 are the same to some extend.

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