Overall, at the beginning of the period. Traveling to work amount for the least amount of activity that takes place during the day of adults and working is the main activity that plays the most important role. This is also evidenced when at the end of the period, working still retains its dominance and still grows strongly and the least amount of time spent in the day is going out and other activities.
Traveling to work accounted for 2% of the day working adults in 1958, and experienced a more than fourfold increase to 8% in 2008. Activities for sleeping was 32% and decrease by 25% after 50 year period. However, about the time spent in the day is other activities does seem to stay the same, specifically 6% in both 1958 and 2008.
Going about becomes is activities tend to decrease sharply from 19% in 1958 down to 6% in 2008. 8% is a figure that represents a relaxing activities at home, raise around a half in 2008. Continue to be the major, working is the main activity that is spent of the adult's day, which comprises almost one-third (33%) in 1958 and increase approximately one-half (42%) the percentage of the day that people spent at work in 2008.