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IELTS - units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France

Bukabaka 2 / 5  
May 21, 2011   #1
The given four pie charts show units of electricity production by fuel source in Australia and France in 1980 and 2000.
According to the first and the second pie charts in 1980 in Australia half of all producing electricity was Coal which were 50 units. Hydro power and natural Gas more less than Coal had 20 units. A small fraction of electricity production accounts for oil only 10 units. In 1980 total production were 100 units.

After two decades using of Coal increased almost three times to 130 units. Hydro power rise to 36 units. In that case consumption of Natural Gas and Oil fuels decreased to 2 units. Total production of electricity in 2000 were 170 units. 70 units more than in 1980.

It can be seen in the third and the fourth pie charts consumption of fuel source in France to produce electricity in 1980 and 2000. In 1980 25 units of electricity produced by Coal twice less than in Australia. Consumption of Natural Gas like fuel source were more than in Australia to 5 units it were 25 units. Oil was used in France twice more than in Australia

approximately 20 units. Nuclear Power was used in France to produce 15 units of electricity but in 1980 in Australia there were not consumption of nuclear power. Only 5 units were produced by hydro power. Total production in 1980 were 90 units

In 2000 consumption of Nuclear Power during two decades increased rapidly from 15 to 126 units. Producing electricity by Coal didn't change and remain 25 units. Oil uses increased slightly to 25 units. Consumption of two fuel source Hydro power and Natural Gas decreased to 2 units. Total production of electricity were 190 units

In conclusion between two countries Australia and France were different ways of producing of electricity. Australia in 2000 prefere use Coal to produce electricity. But in France at the same time there were used Nuclear power as a fuel source.

  • c
Neeta 5 / 38  
May 21, 2011   #2
try using words like "consumption", "usage" (possible synonyms)

Usually graphs and charts written in past.

Task 1 Structure
1- Introduction. Present tense (you did a good job.)
2- Main body. Past tense. Can be between 2-3 paragraph depending how do you agree paragraphs. I feel here you need to work. Similar trend with explanation in one paragraph and ones, which is/are dissimilar onto next paragraph and don't forget to explain. (you've explained but the comparison is missing)

3- Conclusion- summary. Highest and lowest and link between them.

For pie chart, use superlative and comparative words like good-better-best.

Make sure each sentence has a different structure. Examiner want to see how good are with sentence structure to present your analytical views with some good vocabulary.

Hope this helps :-)
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
May 21, 2011   #3
According to the first and the second pie charts, in 1980 in Australia half of all producing electricity was Coal which were 50 units.---------- correct punctuation makes a big difference in what you try to mean. If you dont have that comma, it refers to pie charts in 1980. Also what you say by the part in bold has an issue. Because the second pie chart shows that coal accounts for 130 units which is more than half of the production. I suggest that you should examine the illustration properly and write short and simple sentences. It is very important for this task because this tests your ability to report things clearly and correctly. For example;

According to the first pie chart, coal had been the largest contributor for producing Australia's electricity in 1980. The composition of fuel sources in 1980 had been 50 units of coal, 20 units of nuclear power, 20 units of hydro power and 10 units of oil. The second pie chart shows that Australia has increased its overall electricity production by 70 units in the year 2000, totalling to 170 units of electricity; coal has produced 130 units ; hydro power has produced 36 units; nuclear and oil have produced 4 units. A significant drop in the contribution of nuclear power and oil for the total production of electricity is clearly seen in the year 2000 .

OP Bukabaka 2 / 5  
May 21, 2011   #4
Thank you very much !!!!
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
May 22, 2011   #5
Capitalization: Do not capitalize Coal, Nuclear Power, Natural Gas and Oil ... all these should be lower case.

Here is a correction for the last sentence:
But in France at the same time nuclear power was used as a fuel source.

Conclusion: You should also add a sentence at the end to use as a conclusion. Add a sentence to reflect on the main observation you make when you look at these charts.

Great job here!! If you want to rewrite the essay based on the feedback in this thread, we can look to see if it still has errors.
OP Bukabaka 2 / 5  
May 24, 2011   #6
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevent

The tables illustrates changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000. Common distance in miles traveled per person per year, by mode of travel.

It can be clearly seen that most popular transport in 1985 was car 3,199 miles. However bicycle, taxi and long distance bus were not popular to travel: bicycle 51 miles, taxi 13 miles and long distance bus 54 miles. Local bus was likely to travel in 1985 but in 2000 there was decreased dramatically from 429 to 274. Contribution of cars rapidly increased up to 4,806 miles in 2000.

Walking and usage of bicycle reduced slowly in 2000. Meanwhile contribution of long distance bus, train and taxi rose quickly.
In conclusion we can see that the average distance traveled in all modes showed an upward trend from 4,740 to 6,475 miles over the years
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
May 26, 2011   #7
This sentence needs a subject:
It shows common distance in miles traveled per person per year, by mode of travel.
It can be clearly seen that most popular transport in 1985 was the car, with 3,199 miles.

However, bicycle, taxi, and long distance bus were not popular to travel: bicycle 51 miles, taxi 13 miles, and long distance bus 54 miles. ---Great job!

Local bus was likely to travel in 1985 but in 2000 there was decreased dramatically a dramatic decrease from 429 to 274. The contribution of cars rapidly increased up to 4,806 miles in 2000.

Very good!! Put a period at the end of the last sentence. :-)
OP Bukabaka 2 / 5  
May 26, 2011   #8
thank you!! 28th of the May i will take exams. GOD HELP ME )))!

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