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Water Consumption in Agricultural, Domestic, and Industrial Sector

Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
May 1, 2015   #1
The line graph shows information regarding the amount of global water use in km3 measurement from from 1900 to 2000, whilst the table gives information about water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000. Overall, it can be seen that there were a slight increase of worldwide water use in agricultural, industrial, and domestic sector. Then, the consumption of water in Brazil is higher than in Congo.

With regard to the volume of global water consumption in 3 different sectors from 1900 to 2000, in 1900, the volume of water use in both industrial and domestic sectors stood at under 500 km3, while in agricultural sector started at a higher level at approximately 500 km3. However, the amount of water in these three sectors rose significantly over 50 years, by around 50 km3 in industrial and domestic use and by 500 km3 in agricultural use. At the last 5 decades, it saw a dramatic increase in the volume of water for agricultural purpose to finish at 3,000 km3 and there was a slight rise in the level of water use for industrial and domestic sector at approximately 1,200 km3 and around 400 km3 respectively at the end of period.

Turning to the water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000, Brazil with 176 million population used 359 m3 per person to irrigate 26,500 km2 agricultural area, whilst with 5.2 million population, Congo needed 8 m3 water per person for irrigating system of 100 km2 farmland.

farhan110991 11 / 17 8  
May 1, 2015   #2
hai stacy, generally, i enjoy with your writing.
However, i have to say that you have be careful to attach the picture. you have attached wrong picture again

... water use in km3 measurement from from 1900 to 2000, whilst the table ...
... water use in agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors . Then, the consumption of water in Brazil iswas higher than in Congo.

... consumption in 3 different sectors from 1900 to 2000,(you should add a dot) in 1900, the volume ...

... water use for industrial and domestic sector at approximately(use another word such as virtually, about, almost) 1,200 km3 and around 400 ...
OP Stacy Handayani 29 / 16 19  
May 2, 2015   #3
Thankyou Mr. Farhan for your corrections.
I'm sorry for that wrong picture, I will be more carefull next time.
Here is the right picture.

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