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Essay about the way media reports the lives of celebrities than others

Nhat Ha 3 / 7  
Jul 24, 2021   #1
The media pay too much attention to the lives and relationships of celebrities such as actors, singers or footballers. They should spend more time reporting the lives of ordinary people instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the age of technology, the lives of famous people are being over-focused while those of the ordinary are rarely covered in the media. However, I partly agree that more time should be spent on the casual lives.

On the one hand, the media is a great tool to attract people's attention so it would be an opportunity for the poor to be on air. There are a number of people whose lives are badly impoverished. Through media, therefore, people are more conscious of their difficulties and give them a hand so that they may have a better life. For instance, " Vuot len chinh minh" is a game show which records how hard the lives of poor people are and makes a chance for them to win a prize by overcoming challenges in my country.

On the other hand, too much attention are paid to the lives of celebrities in order to satisfying people's curiosity. Each of influencers has a plenty of fans who always have a desire to discover their idol's lives. Additionally, the famous usually show up in a flashy appearance so the way they look in daily lives would be a hot theme. "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" is an example of a TV show as it reflects the rich's life, which is full of drama but very luxurious and fascinating

In short, the main role of media is to represent various aspects of society. Therefore, I strongly believe that it is necessary to adjust the proportion of TV programs, whether it is about celebrities or the ordinary people.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Jul 25, 2021   #2
The essay focuses on television shows such as reality shows and game shows. The discussion focus is incorrect. The media being referred to in the original topic are composed of print and digital media. Newspapers and magazines that report on celebrities.

Report is the keyword in this instance. That is why the discussion content of the essay is wrong. There is no reference to television shows at all. The essay has provided an irrelevant response. That is why the essay will not recieve a passing score.

The writer clearly did not understand the discussion basis and response reference requirements. He understood a part of the prompt. He did not understand that the keywords media and reporting did not relate to television programs.
OP Nhat Ha 3 / 7  
Jul 25, 2021   #3
I will try to do it again. Thank you so much for sending me advice. Have a good day^.^
Vanphan 2 / 5  
Jul 26, 2021   #4
spent on the casual lives.

Through the media

Too much attention are -is paid to the loves

In order to satisfying

Each of influencers has a plenty of fans

role of the media
OP Nhat Ha 3 / 7  
Jul 28, 2021   #5
It's very kind of you to help me realize my mistakes. Thank you so muchhh

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