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Wealthy nation shares to support poor countries at the solidarity among nations

SHanafi 120 / 414 93  
Apr 8, 2014   #1
Hellow Friend ...
I force myself to do hand writing under 40 minutes, and this is the result. Obviously, I dissatisfied of my work because when I type I saw several mistakes. Even though this not good enough, at least for me, I do nothing edited in order to observe my ability related to test condition. I have you all willing to give me beneficial advices. Thank you

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the government of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

It is undeniable that wealthy countries are required to help the difficulties in the poor country, while the critics think that the solution of the poor country problem should be tackled by the government itself. In this essay I am going to examine both vies

Wealthy nation shares to help poor countries at the solidarity among nations. It is seen as the nation willing to do it not as the strict responsible to solve all the nation problems entirely. Taking an example as England provides scholarship for international students especially who come from undeveloped countries. This such an effort to educate sample of inhabitants in order to develop their countries in the future. Moreover, diplomatic relationship can be stuck in the way of wealth countries help the third nations. In any case of United Nation encourage the amount of funding from wealthy countries to tackle hunger hazardous in Ethiopia. In this way, the relationship pattern is raised with well come and fro of this movement.

Sadly, sometimes poor countries should be responsible for providing solution of in the field of their limitation. The inevitable of this doing is facing in Timor Timur, an enlarging country of Indonesia. Hunger crisis occurs in this country after they separate with Indonesia and unfortunately the inhabitant problems have not yet get International funding at that moment. So, a headache of hunger problem is experienced by the government. On the other hand, Thailand ever experiences this problem as the production of national rice was far less among the consumption needed. Thus, hunger happens everywhere and effect of highly mortality rate at the moment. Therefore, government takes an diversification in the land crop for five years in order to increase the rice production. As result of this system, not only domestic consumption is completed but also the production sufficient to export among south-east Asian countries.

The aforementioned evidence examines that weather or not wealthy countries supply funding to poor countries to tackle problem occurs there, the government cannot be depended their nation problem from other hand international help. While the help usually comes as solidarity among nation, government of poor countries have to tackle action effectively as their responsibility of their people.
sandipsinh 37 / 90 3  
Apr 9, 2014   #2
Wealthy nation shares( willing to / propose) to help poor countries at the solidarity among nations - SHARE IS NOT MAKING THIS SENTENCE LITTLE OBSCURE.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Apr 9, 2014   #3
In this essay I am going to examine both vies

I don't find this sentence adding any value to your essay :)
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Apr 9, 2014   #4
sometimes poor countries should be responsible for providing solution to what?of in the field of their limitation . The inevitable (noun) of this doingpoor living conditions is facing in Timor Timur, an enlarging country of Indones

this country after they separate with(Use this word: disintegrate, or check your dictionary) Indonesia
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Apr 9, 2014   #5
Wealthy nation shares to help poor countries at the solidarity among nations .

Wealthy nation shares to help poor countries at the solidarity among nations. It is seen as the nation willing to do it not as the strict responsible to solve all the nation problems entirely.

The reasoning here is not presented well.... It is very confusing and cannot underestand what you really try to mean :(

Sadly, sometimes poor countries should be responsible for providing solution of in the field of their limitation.

This is another such sentence. You have to work hard on improving clarity of your sentences. It is no use in trying to display your vocabulary knowledge if such words do not deliver your ideas across to the reader :(
OP SHanafi 120 / 414 93  
Apr 12, 2014   #6

I don't find this sentence adding any value to your essay

solution to what?

The reasoning here is not presented well.... It is very confusing and cannot underestand what you really try to mean :(

This is another such sentence. You have to work hard on improving clarity of your sentences. It is no use in trying to display your vocabulary knowledge if such words do not deliver your ideas across to the reader :(

Obviously, I dissatisfied of my work

..as I predict, this is bad T.T
OP SHanafi 120 / 414 93  
Apr 26, 2014   #7
Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the government of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

In the name of humanity, sharing education and food occurrs among countries in the world. Some people view that it depicts togetherness while wealthy nations help the poorer one. However, other opponents claim that the government of poor countries should be tackled their domestic problems by themselves.

Hand in hand is the natural feel of human. In case of the wealth one helping poorer, sense of humane raise in the scope of nations. Eithiopia, a poorer nation, dive onto hunger crisis for decades. while such hazardous surround people lives United Kingdom do help them in the consumption support annually. As the globalization effect, wealth countries also provides educational support specifically to the under-rich nations. They gave special number of sit for potential indigenous to study in such sophisticated education. Thus, the outcome of brilliant thinking can be use to make a contribution for their people. Taking Benazir Bhutto as an example, after graduated from Cambridge School of Law, she back to her country and re-construct the governmental system as her position as prime minister.

On the other hand, solutions should be rise from the local government. In my view, such view can be understandable as the a high effort coming from local authority. It can be beneficial while the local know the core of problem than the appropriate step would be grant the best solutions. Looking backward before Japan restoration, a young emperor, Hirohito, with bravery sent the best scholar to study in UK together with army force do military training in Germany. As result, the darkness of Japan alters with the rapid growth and note Japan as the industrial countries nowadays.

Having said that, weather wealthy nations take an awareness in order to help education and food problem, poorer nations should be break their bones to tackle the domestic problems. Historical noted that the successful development of nations happen when the solution comes from the local people itself.

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