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Wearing office-look clothes is important regarding to some enterprises policies.

faizunaa17 49 / 91  
Oct 28, 2016   #1
Some organization believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance.
Discuss both these views and give you own opinion

Wearing office-look clothes is important regarded to some enterprises argument. However, others say that quality of work bring more positive impact than just use fashionable clothes. In my opinion, both of them are same important, but having great working performance is more useful.

Nowadays, many countries entering Industrialization era, which means that many people today work in Industry. One of thing that can reach professional value in the company is using International standard that can be shown from the way the worker using clothes. Some advantages that can produce by using office clothes are increase professionality, comfortable to see, and the most important is usually the clothes contain the company identity.

However, one of the most important factor that can increase enterprise popularity is because their labors has great quality of work. So, this is more useful than just make some suitable clothes for work. However, some expertise said that research shows that usually people can work better if they are given the chance to select their own-clothes freely. Unfortunately, it only works at the few people, and much of them don't have any problem with their clothes.

All in all, although using smart-dress can become the indicator of organizations professional ratings, customers will be more like if all workers can show their best performance and high quality of work rather than just good clothes, because action speak louder than just personal appearance.
Mathew8 5 / 12  
Oct 28, 2016   #2
Hello Faizunaa17
I have some advice, hope it can help you

.....there are some condition that you need to use preposition
the way (of) the worker using clothes
the clothes contain (of) the company identity

......redundant word. better if you use other conjuction word such therefore
However, one of the most important factor
However, some expertise said that research shows

.....i think this paragraph did not answers the task, because the answer is just value quality of work, not about different between clothes and quality of work

However, one of the most important factor that ...

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