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The world of work is changing - job conditions today are not the same as before

andika08 81 / 80 16  
Oct 23, 2016   #1
Question :
The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestion which can be taken in the future?

People do more than two jobs in this day as a result of working conditions changing quickly. The increase of basic necessities is one of the triggers of such issue and the ability to manage the income well is a measure which can be taken.

The main concern related to the changes of work is the rise of necessities. This occurs as the necessities such as clothing, food and residence are growing up. This will impact for the families by difficulty of finding the low price the kind of necessities. A latest survey from International Economic Organization state that 40% of people, about the cost of clean food in the market is become more expensive as the increase regularly of necessities. It is acceptable that the higher cost for living become the reason for people to take more than one job.

One of the possible solutions which can be admitted with this issue is manage the income effectively. This noticeable would make people limit the outcome from the unimportant necessites. In addition, it also can be saved the money to the future needs. For instance, based on survey by University of Houston state that 50% of people decide to make the food in the home as the cost is lower than buy food outside the home. It is true that using money in the right way is one of solution that people should do.

In conclusion, the current changes of working conditions has been caused by the cost of necessities is growing up and the solution for the worker that can be implement is using their money wisely and arrange their salary effectively .
Qtraam 3 / 3  
Oct 23, 2016   #2
Hi Andika, I would like to give some corrections to you essay.

1.... limit the outcome from the unimportant necessites necessities......
2.For instance instant, based on survey by ...
3.based on survey the survey was conducted by ...

Thats all I can do
Good luck :)
Bekuk22 15 / 21 3  
Oct 24, 2016   #3
hello Mr dika..
let me give some corrections..

1. This will impact for the families by difficulty of finding the low price
2.This will impact for the families by difficulty(the difficulty)of finding
3. A(use article the "the latest") latest survey from International Economic Organization state
4. the market (put comas)is become more expensive as ...

may my corrections be useful for your writing.
thank you...

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