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tiengiang1222 1 / -  
May 19, 2024   #1
There are three different aspects of my identity, including given identity, chosen identity and core identity. My given identity is made up of the ethnic and cultural heritage and family dynamics. I understand and honor the traditions, values and history of my ancestors; for example, in Tet holiday which is one of the most important occasions in Vietnam, we do lots of things from prepare elobrately the ancestors' alter to decoration and tradition meals cooking. It's also the roles and patterns of behavior that have been passed down through generations in my family that significantly shape my future. My chosen identity consists of choices I have made that affect considerably to my life. I have made decision of my major and career path that align with my values and passion by myself and also supports from my family and friends. Lastly, my core identity is seemed as my characteristics. I always keep in mind to continue learning and improving; maintaining a curious and open mind, seeking for new experiences and opportunities to become the best version of myself . The line between these identity is blurred as the given idetity influences the choices we make, the chosen identity can shape core identity. They are all crucial factors since they inform who I am, guide my choices and contribute to my unique journey.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15258  
May 27, 2024   #2
There are several problems with your paragraph presentation. The first problem I saw was in the way that you tend to misspell words such as elaborately and identity. You obviously did not spellcheck your work before submitting it for review. You should practice conscious editing as you write your paragraphs so that you can avoid simple errors such as spelling problems.

Grammar problems also exist in the essay. You need to familiarize yourself with the times when a possessive word presentation should be used. It is not always necessary to do so. Your sentences should be kept simple. You need to practice more and really update your grammar rules knowledge. Problems with preposition usage is very obvious in your presentations. Noun references in the singular or plural form should also be clearly addressed in your sentence building lessons.

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