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IELTS TASK 2: ZOOs are only to entertain people?

congchop 7 / 14 2  
Aug 17, 2013   #1
TOPIC: Some people argue that the purpose of zoos is only to entertain people. What do you think? What other purposes of zoos?


A zoo is a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures and displayed to the public and in which they may also be bred. Some critics dispute that the purpose of the zoos is only for the entertainment of visitors. However, beside entertaining people, there are varieties of purposes as for conservation, research, as well as for education purposes.

Primarily, the zoological parks are established for conservation, as well as research and education purposes. These zoos are places where rare species live. They are animal species that are going to disappear from the world, so zoos are established for scientists making the breeding of the endangered species. Environment also is created for animals to have good health, to live well as they live in natural environment. The zoos also are places for scientists to research animal behavior and anatomy. Diverse communities can visit the zoos for studying about animals, understanding and protect animals and their habitats. For example, The Zoological Society of London is one of the zoological parks like that. This zoo contains Research Institute, Center of Physiology and Institute of Medicine for helping animals.

Secondarily, purpose of the zoos is to entertain visitors as modern zoos. The zoos are place where animals live in captivity and display for people to view. There are so many kinds of animal as lion, tiger, giraffes, monkey... Visitors feel interesting when seeing animals in the zoos. Money from selling ticket for visitors helps improving the zoos. The Penrose Research Laboratory of the Philadelphia Zoo is good for visiting animals

In conclusion, purposes of zoological parks not only to entertain visitors, but also for other purposes. However, the zoos need more improvement to have environment like in nature for animals.
thtm 1 / 5 1  
Aug 17, 2013   #2


However, beside entertaining people, there are varieties of purposes as for conservation, research, as well as for education purposes.

However, besides entertaining people, the zoos can be utilized for conservation, research as well as for educational purposes.

that are going to disappear from the world

that are on the verge of extinction

making the breeding of the endangered

to make ...

also are places

are also places

for studying about animals, understanding and protect animals and their habitats

to study about..., understand and protect

This zoo contains

This zoo involves...

Secondarily, purpose of the zoos is to entertain visitors as modern zoos

In addition, zoos serve as a source of entertainment for those who visit them. Take, for instance, modern zoos.

The zoos are places

so many kinds of animal such as lion, tiger,

Visitors feel interesting when

Visitors feel excited/interested

helps improving the zoos

(to) improve

is good for visiting animals

is a good place for...

In conclusion, purposes of zoological parks not only to entertain visitors, but also for other purposes

In conclusion, the zoological parks have a lot to offer in terms of purposes
OP congchop 7 / 14 2  
Aug 17, 2013   #3
Thanks for your comment
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Aug 17, 2013   #4
A zoo is a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures and displayed to the public and in which they may also be bred. Some critics dispute that the purpose of the zoos is only for the entertainment of visitors. However, beside entertaining people, there are varieties of purposes as for conservation, research, as well as for education purposes.

Good introduction. I found this on your comment on raulfank's essay written on the same topic :D

They are animal species that are going to disappear from the world, so zoos are established for scientists making the breeding of the endangered species.

.... Better you improve the latter part;
... , so the zoos provide scientists with research grounds for their conservation efforts to save such endangered species. .... Now talk about breeding, experimenting and all kinds of stuff that scientists do as your example to support this reason. Make sure that you provide very specific examples to each reason that you provide.

You can write very well! Go for a good band! :)
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Aug 18, 2013   #5
Secondarily, purpose of the zoos is to entertain visitors as modern zoos.

.... I don't understand what you mean by modern zoos. Do you mean that they have play areas for kids and stuff like that? Are they really important for this topic?

Secondly, the primary objective of the zoos is to entertain its visitors.

here are so many kinds of animal as lion, tiger, giraffes, monkey...

... this part sounds a bit silly.... Everybody knows that zoos have animals and giving a list of animals is not a feature of a good essay.
me4mbd 5 / 11 5  
Aug 18, 2013   #6
Environment also is created for animals to have good health, to live well as they live in natural environment.

lion, tiger, giraffes, monkey...

There are so many kinds of animal as lion, tiger, giraffes, monkey... Visitors feel interesting when seeing animals in the zoos.

hink t

I think these two sentences are irrelevant to the topic.

There are so many kinds of animal as lion, tiger, giraffes, monkey...

Dots (...) are not used in formal writing. Write There are so many kinds of animal as lion, tiger, giraffes, monkey and so on .
OP congchop 7 / 14 2  
Aug 22, 2013   #7
Thanks very much

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