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Is it safe to post my essay here? Or should I be worried about Plagiarism?

mleevi 1 / -  
Nov 25, 2007   #1
How to make sure my essay will not be stolen?
i want someone to edit my admission essays, and i'm aware that there is not a private help...
How can i be completely sure that no one will steal my essay???

EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Nov 25, 2007   #2
In general, including your first and last name in your profile is enough to make sure the copyrights to your work will always belong to you.

You may find a more detailed answer on our Frequently Asked Questions page.

gametheory - / 2  
Dec 15, 2007   #3
My topic is basically a page from my journal. I got the idea from reading a UPenn topic about p217 in your biography, and so I wanted to use it as a common app essay. I am applying to some top schools, such as Cornell, so if you want to edit/review my essay, please be very tough on me.

If you want to edit/review it, email me at @yahoo
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Dec 15, 2007   #4

If you post it here, we'll be happy to review it online.

gametheory - / 2  
Dec 16, 2007   #5
Is it safe to post my essay here?
Hi EF_Team,

Is it safe to post it right here? Can't people copy some of my work? If you can somehow reassure me it is safe to post it right here, I will happily do so, but I would much, much rather prefer it if you would be ever so kind enough to review it via email, or even instant messenger if you prefer. I have just read so much about cheating these days that I guess I am extremely paranoid.

Warmest Regards
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Dec 16, 2007   #6
Please check the Essay FAQ section. If you feel people will still copy your work, we advise you not to post anything.

Unfortunately, we don't provide free private email/instant messenger services.

dmit - / 2  
Feb 8, 2008   #7
is there anyway after the essay is reviewed,that we can delete it
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Feb 8, 2008   #8
There is no way to delete the essay after it has been reviewed.

Jarman 1 / 6  
Apr 10, 2008   #9
The odds of "getting busted" for requesting essay help/feedback?

If I post my essay here and ask for some help/feedback, can my teacher google it then?

Regards Jarman.
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Apr 10, 2008   #10
After some time (usually after 2-4 weeks from making the post), your essay may appear on Google search and your teacher may find it. However, if you have included your real name in your profile, it would only mean you are the original author of the essay.

In result, your teacher may only congratulate you for taking his/her class seriously because a professionally-reviewed essay usually means a better grade.

Jarman 1 / 6  
Apr 10, 2008   #11
Thanks a lot for your answer.

I will write, and deliever/hand in my essay tomorrow night. However, is there any possibilities that my teacher can find out by googling my task in such a short periode?

If my teacher finds out that i have posted my essay here and asked for some help, I may get a really bad note/attribute. (I don't know the english word)

Sorry for my bad english, norwegian student.
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Apr 10, 2008   #12
However, is there any possibilities that my teacher can find out by googling my task in such a short periode?

Not possible.

If my teacher finds out that i have posted my essay here and asked for some help, I may get a really bad note/attribute.

It's hard to imagine you'd be penalized for asking for help, but one never knows :).

Jarman 1 / 6  
Apr 10, 2008   #13
Thanks again, appriciate it.
Jarman 1 / 6  
Apr 11, 2008   #14
Hello again.

My teacher also has a program were she can "scan the essay on the internett" so she get for example 10% meetings/hit. Will my teacher get 100% if I posy my essay here?
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Apr 11, 2008   #15
The essay may only be available on the internet after 2-4 weeks of making the post, so unless you are going to submit your essay after 1-2 weeks, it will not be available on the Internet at all.

Ryan McGuinness - / 1  
Jun 25, 2008   #16
sorry, I removed my essay
Essay Removed

sorry about this but i dont want to post my essay here anymore, as my teacher may think its cheating to have someone assist me in my work. I am really sorry. And he has a program that checks for plagerism, so he may think im cheating. sorry again, hope im forgiven.

If he checks and finds my whole essay here on the internet, he may find it strange, and people giving me tips aswell, so as i say, ive removed it and i am sorry.
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Jun 26, 2008   #17

Unless you provided a fake name in your profile, you have nothing to worry about. Even IF your teacher finds your posted essay here, he/she can easily go to your profile and check your first and last name to determine you were the original author of the essay.

That's why we encourage our members to fill out the "First & Last Name" field correctly and truthfully.


EF_Team5 - / 1583  
Jun 26, 2008   #18
If you change your mind, I'll be happy to look it over for you.

Moderator, EssayForum.com
jennc09 4 / 63  
Nov 16, 2008   #19
Will somebody use my essay?

I was just wondering if somebody can use my essay for their college admission since I posted it on this website to be revised. I hope nobody would do that since I worked very hard on it.

EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Nov 16, 2008   #20
Even if somebody tries to use it, they cannot fake your name and school name that is included in your profile (that's why we urge all members to provide their REAL name and school name in their profiles).

So even if "James Smith" copies your essay and submits as his own, his teacher is most likely to notice "James Smith" was not the author's name which means he was not the author of the essay.

jennc09 4 / 63  
Nov 18, 2008   #21
Okay thank you. That makes sense, but I guess if someone just sent it to a college or printed it, the teacher/college wouldn't know unless he/she checked online.
EF_Team5 - / 1583  
Nov 19, 2008   #22
Good afternoon :)

There is never a guarantee when you post any type of material online that it won't be used for unauthorized purposes; that is the risk you take when placing your material online. The best way to protect yourself if you choose to post information, is to make sure to use your real information when posting. Many colleges (not all) do check for plagiarism using online resources, thus, they would be checking it electronically.

Moderator, EssayForum.com
nhamalawy - / 1  
Nov 19, 2008   #23
Before I post - isn't it possible that Admission Com. checks this website??

Hi, I loved the idea of this forum. It's really helpful to get feedback (especially from professionals) before anyone submits their graduate application.
I was just about to post an essay I wrote when I was asked in one of the applications to "Share something about yourself to help the Admissions Committee develop a more complete picture of who you are."

This is in addition to the personal statement in which I already highlighted my academic and professional experience and why I think this graduate program fits me and so on.

However, before I post my essay.. it struck me for a second that... what if admissions committee checks for plagiarism by typing a paragraph from my essay... won't this very post I'm writing now come in the search results? won't they know if I wrote the essay entirely by myself or had some help?

just wondering genuinely... not meant to provoke, seriously! i DO need feedback on the essay after all!
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Nov 19, 2008   #24
"Share something about yourself to help the Admissions Committee develop a more complete picture of who you are."

Your trying to make your essay better by getting professional advice (note we do not write anything for the student) actually shows you will most likely become an important asset of any academic organization.

what if admissions committee checks for plagiarism by typing a paragraph from my essay... won't this very post I'm writing now come in the search results? won't they know if I wrote the essay entirely by myself or had some help?

Again, if you you ask us to write an essay for you, we won't help you :). Whatever you write is your own work.

If admissions committee finds your posts by doing an online search, he/she will click on the "Member" link and will notice that you, named X Y, were in fact the original author of the essay. Even though now it appears you have ignored our recommendation and didn't fill out the "First and Last name" fields yet..

jennc09 4 / 63  
Nov 23, 2008   #25
so if they check online and see that I posted the essay, then i should be fine???
EF_Team5 - / 1583  
Nov 23, 2008   #26
As long as your correct contact information is included in your member profile, you should be fine.

Moderator, EssayForum.com
xperceptionx 2 / 13  
Dec 26, 2008   #27
Question on Plagiarism before I post

I know so many people have already done so. But I still want to double check before posting anything. Is is safe to post our essays up here? Like, is there anything to prevent plagiarism, and will it reflect badly on us if admissions people look up turnitin.com or something and find that we've posted our essays up here?
drman54 3 / 9  
Dec 26, 2008   #28
Yes it is safe. It's perfectly fine to look for advice on essays, schools encourage it.

As far as safety and protection goes, your REAL NAME should be at the bottom corner, Catherine Zhu. So if anyone takes your essay, you will always have your real name at the bottom.

lol, I'd love to see the idiot who tries to steal one of these essays! Your email and name are attached to your account, so you'll always have proof you posted it.
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Dec 26, 2008   #30
Like, is there anything to prevent plagiarism, and will it reflect badly on us if admissions people look up turnitin.com or something and find that we've posted our essays up here?

In addition, below every message you post there is your name automatically appended to the message. There's no better way to "prove" who was the author of the message (assuming, of course, the message wasn't copied from somewhere else).

yee 6 / 39  
Jan 18, 2009   #31
Plagiarism detection software - Quick Question for Moderators!

Hey EF Team!

Thank you for all your support! This website has done wonders for me and I am glad such a forum exists. However, I saw that you guys were discussing copyright issues and plagiarizing the works of other students. I posted my main common app essay along with a couple supplements...so, I was wondering if colleges in general run all the essays through a detection software for any sort of plagiarizing and I was also wondering if I should contact my colleges and give them my ID and password so they can verify that it's my work. I am afraid that they may dispose of my application for plagiarizing without my knowing. Thank you so much for your time! I apologize ahead of time if this question was posed by another EF member. I am just another paranoid high school kid making sure his chances of getting into college get even slimmer than it already is :)
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Jan 18, 2009   #32
if I should contact my colleges and give them my ID and password so they can verify that it's my work.

There's no need to provide them with your username or password; all you need to do is to provide your real first and last name (and school name if possible). The name is automatically included on the bottom of your posts; even if someone finds your post online they could check your name and other details in your profile to validate your information.

yee 6 / 39  
Jan 18, 2009   #33
thank you!
K_Swiss 1 / 9  
Mar 8, 2009   #34
Posting essays here = plagiarism?

If I post my essay for revision in this forum, would my school penalize me for plagiarism according to the info above since my essay is easily accessible?
Mustafa1991 8 / 369  
Mar 8, 2009   #35
it's a legitimate question.

I don't think so, otherwise I wouldn't post material for revision here.

still, I read a plagiarism tutorial and it said that you can "plagiarize" YOUR OWN work if you submit it to two different places.

but I don't think this qualifies as a submission. its explicit purpose is for revision. of course some professors don't see it that way. I wouldn't risk it unless you are sure that your professor is not some weirdo who would like to make your life miserable vis a vis him/her being a miserable person.

your definition is kind of vague, I would play it safe if I were you
EF_Sean 6 / 3459  
Mar 8, 2009   #36
Posting essays to get advice about how you should revise is not plagiarism, and would not be considered as such by most professors. If you are worried, though, you could always ask your professor if using this forum is okay. He can hardly accuse you of plagiarizing by using this site if he has explicitly given you permission to do, after all.
EF_Team  [Moderator] 41 / 219  
Mar 8, 2009   #37
If I post my essay for revision in this forum, would my school penalize me for plagiarism according to the info above since my essay is easily accessible?

Students who allow their computer files or assignments to be copied...

The quoted text most likely relates to your computer class policies. I suspect you take a computer/programming class in a group of students where it's 'easy' to copy the computer code which sometimes may take weeks to write. If one student writes the code, others could easily copy it and receive a credit.

Here we don't deal with computer projects :). If one student writes an essay and five other students try to submit the same essay, it would be very easy to catch.

Including your real name which is automatically attached to your posts is the best way to protect yourself from plagiarism.
JPoga - / 1  
Jul 8, 2009   #38
Essay editing services and plagiarism.

I've been thinking of having my paper edited/revised by an online editing service. They say that they only proofread and revise, which is not plagiarism. I'm not looking to buy an essay, I just want the corrections. Has anyone else tried a service like this? Can I get into trouble or is this legitimate?

EF_Sean 6 / 3459  
Jul 8, 2009   #39
I suspect that the level of "editing" such sites offer probably does cross the line into plagiarism. So, no, I would have to say it is not legitimate.
MongooseSin - / 1  
Jul 27, 2009   #40
Quick question on posting Undergraduate Admission Essays

Im curious, how can I be sure that after posting my essay it will not be stolen and copied, therefore losing credibility with the University, by having the same essay as someone else? (if anyone was dumb enough to try that) It would be a huge hassle to work around wouldnt it?

Home / Faq, Help / Is it safe to post my essay here? Or should I be worried about Plagiarism?
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