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AAS - Translation Studies : Why did you choose your proposed course and institution?

miccowwy 1 / 1  
Apr 7, 2024   #1
Hi everyone, kindly check my essay for a supporting statement to apply for AAS. Your feedback is highly appreciated for me.

Why did you choose your proposed course and institution?
(Max. 2000 characters)

I plan to take my master's degree with a focus on translation studies because it is in line with my undergraduate background and my current job background in companies related to translation and languages.

Since I am working as a Japanese speaker in a Japanese company, I faced many language obstacles that often occurred in communication. I also noticed that a lot of translated media in Indonesia still needs more resources and improvement to enhance its quality. So, learning about translation studies may help me to understand the problem and the measures of translation issues in Indonesia.

I read plenty of books and media in English and Japanese, but unfortunately, fewer are translated well into Indonesian. My main goal is the development of my country through high-quality translation in literature. I am applying for this scholarship because I see the opportunities and growth that help me implement my ideas and plans in translation.

Australia has a good education system proven by a large number of high-ranked universities in the world. After considering several universities in Australia, my choice fell to Australian National University and Monash University, whose Indonesian studies and translation studies have an outstanding reputation. Both universities provide a wide range of profound courses on sustainable translation studies, which is highly related to my focus on translation between Indonesian and English.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14985 4814  
Apr 19, 2024   #2
While you did present some good reasons in the earlier paragraphs for your master's course choice, it is not perfectly aligned with the institutions that you have chosen to study at. To create a more effective reasoning conversation for this topic, you must realize that you have to present the reasons why you chose the universities. The best way to prove that you have given ample thought to your university choices is to match the university with your skills and career plans. Have 2 unique sets of reasons for each university. That way the reviewer will see that you have actually done research into the universities and that you have the background with which to complete the learning path provided to you.

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