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Application essay for MA in Fashion Marketing

astoldbytima 1 / 1  
Sep 19, 2017   #1

it's the final step towards my career

Fashion has had a great influence on society. From a widow's dark clothing symbolizing mourning and sadness to a brides snow-white gown symbolizing happiness and joy, fashion has become a channel for the outward display of inner feelings. With its art of expression, it has quickly become a personal matter in most cases. On a personal level, fashion has allowed me to embrace other things I cherish such as architecture, history, and culture and to use these to influence my work. The ability of a designer portray a story through their collection is a concept that I find truly inspiring. Equally as inspiring is the ability of the marketing industry to reflect a social movement and to produce trends that exert a great influence on society. My work experience and the courses I have completed have provided me with a wealth of knowledge on the practicalities of the fashion industry. Most recently I undertook a long-term placement at GOAT Fashion, where I worked with the head of the company. My time at GOAT assisted me to appreciate between different aspects of the fashion industry. Whilst there, I was exposed to merchandise planning, retail prices, market demographics and the importance of mock-ups in creating a perfect piece. The cultivation of cross-functional teams showed me an integral part of the company and participating in the design realm helped me gain invaluable knowledge of the bridge between fashion and marketing which has improved my instincts as a designer. Of equal importance to this was my personal development in the workplace. I was able to enhance my skills in time and task management, responsibility, teamwork, communication and report writing. My undergraduate years have been useful preparation for a master's degree. I have learnt to manage my workload to meet all deadlines and to study independently. I also discovered new academic strengths and interests in areas such as my love for literature, illustrations and publicising. Leisure is also very important to me, and I particularly like to meditate and take part in aerobic classes as well as enjoying time with friends and family. Fashion shows and museums provide me with a wealth of inspiration, which often influence the pieces I produce. I see myself as a responsible student who is organised and adaptable, and I firmly believe that I am academically able to pursue a Masters degree in fashion marketing. I make this application with the full knowledge of what is required of a master's student and I look forward to the challenges that the course will bring my way. Through this programme, I aim to achieve the final step towards a career I will treasure and it is my hope that you provide me with the chance to do so.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14980 4813  
Sep 20, 2017   #2
Fatima, what exactly are you supposed to be writing here? You didn't exactly mention if this is a personal statement, motivational letter, or statement of purpose. I am not quite sure what direction this essay should be headed in as it has elements of all 3 within the statement. By the way, it would help your essay if you divided it into paragraph topics rather than keeping all of the information bunched up into one paragraph as you have now. It is difficult to keep track of your discussion and also, makes it hard to pinpoint the highlights (if any) of your essay.

Quite frankly, your opening statement is weak as it does not directly relate to the intentions that you have for this paper. Depending upon the type of paper that you are writing, your first few sentences must indicate the direction that the essay will take. So if it is a statement of purpose. then indicate that purpose within the first 5 sentences. If you don't establish the point of the paper within 5 sentences, then you will have lost the reader's attention. Don't make him look for the purpose of the essay, hit him with it instead. He doesn't have the time to search for the deeper meaning of your writing.

Lessen the musings that you make at the start in favor of a more direct approach that will align the essay with the prompt that you are responding to. That way the essay gains a clear focus in its presentation and you will also be able to decipher which information should be retained and what should be removed. Directness if valued in the writing of these masters essays. The foundation of your education in the course that you will be applying to must be evident. So separate your work at GOAT from the rest of the essay. From there, figure out what else the prompt requires you to present and make the appropriate adjustments to your content.
SeilaKey 2 / 5 1  
Sep 20, 2017   #3
Hello Fatima :)
it might be useful if you read the guideline of your kind of essay. It usually shows the information what you have to write in your essay and makes you focus to discuss something you want to.
OP astoldbytima 1 / 1  
Sep 20, 2017   #4
Hi Guys:) Thanks for the reply, sorry for not making my essay clear to reader. It's a personal statement for MA in Fashion marketing and communication, the statement should outline the particular reasons for applying to the course; which includes any relevant main interests, ambitions and career plans

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