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Parents do what they saw and learned from their parents

sukruozaslan 2 / -  
Sep 1, 2015   #1
Can you correct my mistakes so i will write better next time

Almost all kid's best friend and teacher are their parents but sometimes their education way might be wrong because they aren't educated to be a teacher.Parents do what they saw from their parents

Generally,parents are trying to behaved all kids with the same education.They don't care how their personality and emotions they should have care different to the each other

The kids are trying to copy whatever their parents do so in a big family every member of family have a big responsibility about that because kids are copy whoever they see big,it's a natural thing because the people who bigger than the kid is survive long enough to get big.The kid think like if i will do the same thing i can survive,too

Parent's weakiest part is love.Because of their love to their kids sometimes they choose the wrong parent's wont let them choose bad and learn real life from it

Parents are first and best teacher they teach walk,speak and good manners before we reach ''The real world''

Samuelsam123 12 / 46  
Sep 1, 2015   #2
Hi sukruo

First of all
Your essay contradicts with your own points. At first you don't agree, but later you agree. You must be firm on which side you are on .

Almost all kid's best friend and teacher are their parents
What does this sentence mean ?

sometimes their education way might be wrong because they aren't educated to be a teacher .
I see what you mean. try changing up the format a little bit.

education way
There is no such thing!
"Mindset " might be better.

parents are trying to behaved all kids with the same education.They don't care how their personality and emotions they should have care different to the each other

WHAT are you even saying ?

The kids are trying to copy whatever their parents do, so in a big family, every member of family have a big responsibility about that because kids are copy whoever they see big ,it's a natural thing because the people who bigger = Who are older than the kid is survive long enough to get big = has been through up and downs .The kid think like if i will do the same thing i can survive,too

Because of their love to their kids sometimes they choose the wrongPATHS parent's wont let them choose bad and learn real life from it = don't advise them or chose for them.
sid052 2 / 5  
Sep 1, 2015   #3
The sentence formation in your essay is very poor. I think you need to read a lot from newspaper, magazines or from any other source. The essay depending on the word limit must always start with an introduction of the issue about which you are writing like in this case you should have started as:

In the world in which we are living currently there are millions of things which we never heard of or don't know about them. In order to learn a new techniques we all need a person who can show or teach us how that work has to be done. So teacher is the most important person of anyone's life. He is helping you to understand the thing from basic to complicated to help you make your life comfortable. Parent are the first teacher of any person's life.

But are parent's the best teacher for a person i don't think so they are undoubtedly the first teacher but definitely not the best. Being a teacher is not easy. Its not a cake walk. Being a teacher means that you are able to see the thinks from some one else perspective (from Kids perspective). You have make a kid understand a phenomenon which he has never heard before so it is quite difficult.

Most parents don't focus on the strengths of the kid they do as they are they have seen others doing or as their parents did to them which might not be perfect for a kid because every individual is different and you need a different approach for every one.

You can elaborate it further depending on the word limit.

The points that you have mentioned are good but you are able to convey you thoughts properly.
justivy03 - / 2279  
Sep 2, 2015   #4
- ...their education wayhow they teach education might be wrong...
- ...because they'rearen't educatednot licensed to be a teacher.
- ...trying to behaved( it's an ongoing action that's why it takes the present tense) all kids...
- ...care howabout their personality and emotions...
- ..they should have careteach differently to the each other
- The kids are trying to copyimitate whatever their parents do..
- so in a big family, every member of family have a big responsibility...
- about that because kids are copy whoever they see bigon nurturing each other and behaving gracefully ,
- it's a natural thingtrait because...
- the people who bigger than the kid is survive long enough to get big.
- ...they choose the wrong path, ..
- parent's wont let them choose the bad side and..

- Parents are the first and
- the best teacher, they teach us how to walk,speak..
-...and good manners before we reachconquer ''The real world''

Well, after going thru your essay, I say you need a lot more practice. Keep writing.
naitry 1 / 3  
Sep 7, 2015   #5
I agree with @sid052.

For any essay to be good it needs to be in a proper order. There should an even flow of ideas. Try using essay templates available online, they help you in getting a basic idea.

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