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Posts by Msx punk
Joined: Aug 8, 2012
Last Post: Aug 24, 2012
Threads: 2
Posts: 15  

From: United Arab Emirates

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Msx punk   
Aug 8, 2012
Writing Feedback / Education is long life task. Do u agree or disagree [3]

Hey guys, this is Mehmood from Dubai. Well, guys I'm 13 years. My dream is to becom ena engineer. I want to settle in engineer. Once my dad said that If i wanna settle there then I've to score some band in 'TOEFL', so I have registered in this site. I've wrote an essay plz correct my mistakes!!!

[b]Nowadays, education is an important key to success for many people. Education is not only to go to school for learning, it also means that people may learn from their family, social life, their work or by themselves. They always need to success their life, their career, and I agree. Therefore, education is what we must spend our whole life on. Education doesn't mean to just success, it also means to promote in life.

Nowadays employers are looking for people who are well educated. In olden days people weren't highly qualified as today. New technologies are made due to education, we don't know what education can do in future. Life is a changing process. Nobody would know what is waiting ahead in life. Think people always need to get more and more knowledge. They learn day by day to live and to advance their life. That means we spend all our lives on education, it is a lifelong task.
Msx punk   
Aug 8, 2012
Letters / Letter to Bus Company saying you left a valuable thing [6]

Hey guys, this is Mehmood from Dubai. Well, guys I'm 13 years. My dream is to becom ena engineer. I want to settle in engineer. Once my dad said that If i wanna settle there then I've to score some band in 'TOEFL', so I have registered in this site. I've wrote an essay plz correct my mistakes!!!

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing this letter to inform you about lost bag. Unhappy accident occurred yesterday afternoon - 5.08-2012 - on an immigration road Canberra-Oxford. The bus which I took in Sydney arrived at station Canberra Oxford Square around 5 pm. I don't know exact number of the bus. However driver's name was Bill and he was driving white bus, with black stripes on each side. I forgot the bag at the right-back row. It is a common student bag, with one leather strap, brown color and big black text on a rear side

In case anything similar appears or is returned to the office, please notify me on my mobile phone or use email.

Many thanks for your help and co-operation.
Warm regards,
Mehmood Ahs
Msx punk   
Aug 9, 2012
Undergraduate / 'The world of nursing' - one paragraph from my essay [5]

Hmm, I figured out some mistakes. I'd agree J'Michael as he said this paragraph is kinda confusing to me first you talk about needing a heart and then it switches to security and then to financial security. One paragraph should be about each topic. Hope this helps a little!
Msx punk   
Aug 24, 2012
Letters / 'your advertisement for a weekend job' - Improve my letter [5]

Great essay... Couldn't find out much mistakes as I'm just 13!! HEHE :D...
Anyways, u didn't mention your name, and it should be Due to all the above reason, I think I can do this work very well. I am looking forward to or (reply) your reply.

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