Undergraduate /
Essay on Programming - Carnegie Mellon Supplement [5]
Explain why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major, department or program. This essay should include reasons why you have chosen the major, any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. (one-page, single-spaced)After the Day 2 of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2009 in Bulgaria, a breaded-haired man twice my height approached me. I could feel my heart throbbing fast as I recognized who he was instantly: Dr.
[insert a great name in Compsci].
"You have done a great job," he said.
"You must have made your country real proud."I had admired this man for years and he recognized me. This is surreal!
I did not get that much appreciation and support when I started programming five years earlier. A National Team alumnus suggested that I should find another subject, because, in his words,
"there is no place for you girls here." My friends were still struggling in using Microsoft Word and no computer teacher in my school understood programming well. Likewise, algorithms books are scarce in my country. Local books cover only up to sorting algorithms, and imported algorithm books are hard to find.
However, inadequacy proves to be a blessing in my case. I was led to perceive informatics as an enjoyable exploration led by my own curiosity, and not as an 'academic subject'. Soon, I progressed from coding multiplications of two ten-digit numbers to designing the most efficient distribution route using Maximum Flow modeling. During this process, I further realized algorithms' wide array of applications in the real life and became fascinated by Computer Science's almost limitless possibilities in the future.
Hence, pursuing a Computer Science bachelor degree is a natural decision for me. I want to be in a world-renowned university with the best quality courses and a first-rate faculty. I look forward to exploring modern Computer Science concentrations, particularly Human Computer Interaction and Language Technologies, thus finding a suitable concentration for me. These criteria led me to Carnegie Mellon University.
When I peeked into CMU's website for admission information, I was surprised to see 'Especially for Women' link on the page. Wow,
this university seriously appreciates us! I thought. I am particularly impressed that CMU, through Women@SCS, has done real job in encouraging women in Computer Science. I realize that when I step into the School of Computer Science, I have Big Sisters to whom I can talk and ask. Through Women@SCS, I look forward to participating in the regularly held dinners with companies and also leadership and interview training, thus preparing myself for my future career.
On the other hand, I believe that I can also contribute to CMU, for example by participating on the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest on behalf of the school. Additionally, since encouraging my younger female compatriots is my deep concern, I am planning to volunteer actively in Women@SCS and Society of Women Engineers. Being a South-East Asian, I can also enrich Carnegie Mellon University's diversity.
All things considered, I believe that Carnegie Mellon is the ideal university for me.
Any comments? :) i wonder whether this is boring...