Graduate /
SOP for Muskie Graduate Program [6]
Hello, everyone! It's a great place here, glad I found it! I've read through many threads and found tons of useful info there. This helped me put together my own essay and I would really appreciate some feedback on it! Thanks in advance!
I am applying for Business administration, Management of information systems and technology Master's degree as part of the Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program. The essay is 894 words long.
Essay Question #1 - Statement of Purpose*
Please write an essay on why you want and need to study in the US at the graduate level, and how you hope to contribute to your country's democratic and economic development. Essay cannot exceed 1000 words.Back when I was thirteen and loved football (soccer) more than Christmas and my birthday put together, I was part of a junior football team. I was a valuable player, but words like "prodigy" or "star" had nothing to do with me. There was a head juggling competition at a tournament once. No one was enthusiastic or confident enough from my team to take part, so coach let me participate. Many months went into perfecting the skill, so I juggled like a well-trained circus seal. Beating the best of the best and winning the contest, however, was absolutely unexpected both for me and everybody else. Everyone was awestruck. Neither my coach, nor my teammates knew I was actually that good. But what was most fascinating, I didn't suspect I was that good either.
This rather simple story is so important to me because I always come back to it when I doubt myself. It helps me find faith in myself, mobilize my inner resources to persevere and succeed. This story along with other ones would have been just that - a story, if it was not for the impact they made on me. They shaped my personality and brought me where I am today... and I am happy with myself, with the way I am.
Some of my teachers at school thought there was no way I would do well on computer programming course I took, because my specialization was humanities. Our class was great at English and French, but nowhere near as good at math and physics. Still, my results were on par with kids considered math pundits of our school. Now programming is the skill that sets me apart from other students and makes me a valuable professional. I have got a diploma up my belt on implementing automation tools for measuring software metrics and am doing research on using Bayesian belief networks for evaluation of software project costs. A lesson learned there.
I cannot say I am a perfectionist and take every single thing I do to the highest level possible. But things I care about, am passionate about, they do exceed expectations and shine crystal clear after I touch them. It is the computer systems related things exactly those that give me shivers, take me over and consume me completely. My IQ doesn't go off the chart, I had not programmed a Doom, Mathematica, Google search engine or any other masterpiece software by now, but this amazing realm of computer systems and I were simply made for each other. We're bound together. It is a life-long affection.
I want people to share my appreciation of all kinds of information systems. Not the irrational and unconditional love I have. No, that is not for any person out there. I want them to see how those systems make their lives easier, richer and make free room for more human activities to enjoy. Systems like Skype and Youtube (from consumer domain), SAP Business Suite and QAD Enterprise Applications (from enterprise domain) have made the impossible as simple and usual as buying a pack of chips. My goal is to drive this convergence further, build and manage systems that are more intelligent, easily understood by users and provide the most efficient solutions to arising problems.
Ukraine had slept away when the Internet infrastructure penetration in USA and Western Europe erupted in the nineties. Those were the "dial-up" times. When the broadband wave started, Ukraine joined the wagon. We went from "no internet" to "broadband internet in every home" in a matter of years. We skipped a stage, went from kindergarten straight to high-school. In much the same way information systems didn't get the attention they deserved in Ukraine either. I want to help make a similar warp jump for them. I want us to go from primitive software and mediocre staff to powerful systems and computer-savvy managers. I am certain this transformation will catalyze Ukrainian industry modernization, something we have been lacking for eighteen years of our country's independence. And this is where I come in. I want to play my part in it.
For my plan to come to fruition, I need to learn what made information systems function and evolve successfully elsewhere. What did developed countries do to stimulate and ease their propagation into every business? Understanding this is vital. This understanding, however, is more than a to-do list of measures and actions. It is a "how to work" philosophy, a certain vibe that is kept up in the community and cannot always be captured in words and phrases. I can read guidelines from books and websites. I can delve deeper and explore various conference materials, meet with foreign experts and ask them questions. It still will not be enough. The essence is not in certain solutions or techniques, but in the way of thinking. Understanding thus comes only after living and working in this environment, after experiencing all those thoughts, thinking processes and decisions that make up past and future success.
That is where it all comes together for me. Only after becoming a part of a leading academic community can I become a true expert in the field of information systems. This is what education in USA can provide me. Without it my personal experience is deficient and it will not be enough to accomplish goals I have set for myself.