Dec 31, 2012
Undergraduate / Most innovative; Columbia supplement- Appealing? [3]
It is well written and you seem to know a lot about the school, but how will it give you a unique undergraduate experience? <------ This question is a biggie, if you can explain why without your reason being that columbia is famous, or well accomplished I think it would be more appreciated.
This part started of well ,but then you went back into listing the school achievement instead of talking about exactly why that is appealing. Do you like kids, did someone visit you like this when you were in middle school? things like this makes it a bit more personable otherwise it sounds like you are listing off achievements that I am more than positive Columbia knows about already.
It is well written and you seem to know a lot about the school, but how will it give you a unique undergraduate experience? <------ This question is a biggie, if you can explain why without your reason being that columbia is famous, or well accomplished I think it would be more appreciated.
For instance, the Health Education and Advocacy League (HEAL) of Columbia, which allows students to promote health awareness among middle-school students, is just one of the many examples of how Columbia participates in benefitting its community
This part started of well ,but then you went back into listing the school achievement instead of talking about exactly why that is appealing. Do you like kids, did someone visit you like this when you were in middle school? things like this makes it a bit more personable otherwise it sounds like you are listing off achievements that I am more than positive Columbia knows about already.