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Posts by sj1912
Joined: Dec 20, 2012
Last Post: Jan 1, 2013
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From: India

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Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Herd Mentality; UT Austin(Part 2) / Issue of Importance [6]

Look im an indian and i knw what ure writing abt...bt d adcoms may not! so i suggest u detail alil abt d incident and a lot abt d reaction of people....also u shud write how dis is important to you! ur nt a journalist fr a newspaper, be personal. the prompt say "why is it significant toyou?"...answer that.40-50% of app on d issue and the rest shud be d impact!! if ure a girl, u cn go abkut dis beautifully nd if ure a boy, u adopt a diff viewpoint nd say hw u r beter and want evryone to be better etc

hope i helped!
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Christmas Eve dinner; UChicago - Invent A Past For Present Supplement [23]

It was an unusually cold night in Phnom Penh with temperatures reaching a near zero, but there was nothing anomalous about the events of that nightu sure dis is reqd? . Sakngea had just finished his shift at the factory where he spends all day putting together the same pieces in the same manner to produce the same result: a toy robot that he can only imagine playing with. On his way to his house, Sakngea passed by the library he always passes by but it looked different, there was a "now hiring" sign on the door. Ignoring the sign, Sakngea arrived at his door and wished that when he opened it he would find a rupture in his normal routine, but to no avail. He came back to his father screaming at his mother for the usual reasons: because he was drunk. He tossed the same old wages in the same old plate, trod the same old path and lay in the same old stained mattress whilst trying to ignore the same old argument, cut it down because the last time he tried to break the routine it ended in a scar under his left eye.

ummm...this is total fiction right?? ii mean i cudnt really see the real you. uchicago does hav its benefits nd dusnt go by d buk, but dey still need a personal essay!! u write well, den why nt make it personal!d story is great, dnt get me wrong...highlight d you nd underplay d oders!
Dec 30, 2012
Undergraduate / Stereotyping is a common thought process ; Amherst sup [4]

Stereotyping is a common thought process adopted by people knowingly or unknowingly; and people fall victim to it willingly or unwillingly. We harbour the unjust belief that a community's traits can be determined by the behaviour of its few members; like Asians ace math, Muslims are related to Osama and the French eat nothing but snails . Sadly, these beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies for behaviour.

I am an Indian and a girl. For me, these details are just facts but for the society I live in, these tags govern my Do's and Do Not's. A prevalent stereotype in my region is that women are weaker than men. For their own protection, they should not be given the liberty to use public transport unaccompanied, step out in the night or indulge in activities that require rigourous physical labour or public interaction. I have never shared this opinion and tried my best to defy it, but I could not help falling prey to this typecasting. The bias of everyone around me started to adulterate my psyche and I, originally a strong believer of gender-equality, spent my pre-teens questioning my abilities and shying away from competing with boys.

It took me a few years to realize where I had landed and to shake these labels off my head . Today, I am a confident young girl who makes her own decisions and does not fear commuting by buses, attending late-night parties and standing up to anyone who undermines my capabilities. My outlook towards the world has also changed. I have learnt not to categorize people. A person's ethnicity or gender will never control my perception of him or her. I will meet people with an open mind and base my relationships on truths rather than on prejudiced notions.
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / My mother has been a role model ; Williams SE- looking through the window? [6]

this essay is all about aunty, nothing about you. the only thing i figure out is that u are a sensitive person , thtats it!! wok on d conclusion or she will get admtted not you! write on hw u regret nt havng valued her helpped her. u were cared fr by her nd sisters nd nw ur left alon wid dem off to college. say dt she has pain in her joints cuz of all d wrk nd now cnt even cook fr long hours. U realize that until things r tken away frm u u nevr get deir worth. U cnt bring bak those days or cure her pain,give her a better begone yout, bt u surely cn make all she did worthwile by realizing her nd ur dream of becoming a _____ . you now will try to selflessly giv d wrld wat she gve to u...etc etc

why u no review my essays?! well, i kept my wrd nd did urs!
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Leslie Chow; Letter to Roomate - Harvard Supplement [4]

PS. Trust me future-my-man. When you need help, call me. I will be there for you.

either rephrase it better or delete it! it breaks d awesum flow of ur essay
u used thirdly twice
u cud cut this down a little bit to balance d essay!

overall, great work, i had funr reading! gudluk!
P.S.- cud u please review mine too!! :)
Dec 28, 2012
Undergraduate / Hi I am from Bangladesh.. Williams Supplement essay [5]

hey tone down on the bashing of your own country....i mean write t in a subtle manner including points u like abt your country. U write this in bangladesh itll be seen as a true picture but the college people wudnt like someone who calls his own country "bleak" nd stuff! rephrase!

p.s.- i too need help!!
Dec 27, 2012
Undergraduate / I won four rounds; UCHICAGO SUPP_ARCH NENEMIS [6]

Evanston, not h as windy h as Chicago, surely feels like it as I live near a/the lake .


why dont you personify sleep. or if you have, it should be "Sleep"!

lady gaga's


the lady gaga's song playing in my neighbor's apartment was of little help .

. It is easy for some people to underestimate the power of sleep. For me, it is very difficult to sleep.

useless line! u make it clear in d next one!

Sleep is like the gladiator who I battle in the eight to nine hours available to sleep,winning for hardly two hours.

see there a a lot of grammatical and logical errors and i culdnt finish th whole thing! be clear about ur idea and be fluid in ur essay, dnt jump ideas.d idea is great but execution is faulty. if u dnt get mre positive ffeedbak , switch t he other one which u think is better!

P.S.- i need help too!!
Dec 27, 2012
Undergraduate / Khushboo Gujarat Ki; MIT - Cultural Background [5]

ummm cut down on the description of Gujarat but do retain hat its one of d most prosperous and colorful states in India! write about how its color, culture etc has shaped u into an intersting person. u cud do without the garba thing or if u wish to keep it, write how festivitiies hav spirited u into celebrating small happenings of life in big ways like all indians do.

p.s.- i need help too!
Dec 27, 2012
Undergraduate / "Culture refines us"; Princeton essay- Role of Culture!! [3]

Using the quotation below as a starting point, reflect on the role that culture plays in your life. "Culture is what presents us with the kinds of valuable things that can fill a life. And insofar as we can recognize the value in those things and make them part of our lives, our lives are meaningful." (500 words)

Culture refines us. It is the varnish that adds sheen to our personality. Our social norms, clothing, housing and food habits are majorly governed by our culture. I hail from India, a country blessed with myriad cultures that are distinct from each other but amalgamate at certain junctions in a subtle manner. It seems rather outrageous to question why I touch the feet of my elders or eat a spice-enriched curry but I have always harboured the idea that these activities are not without purpose.

My aunt had been (posted) in Indianapolis for a short period and had established a strong relationship with her senior American colleague, Pat. A few years ago, my aunt invited Pat to India to attend her marriage and as I was fluent in English, I accompanied her at all times. One of the common features of India is the existence of joint families in which 2-3 generations live together. I had never considered this aspect as atypical but she was surprised to see our house jostling with relatives who undertook every task from sweeping the floor to serving meals. She marvelled at the smooth functioning of the household despite the large number of members. For the ceremony, my mother lent her a traditional sari and matching jewels and helped her dress. In all the rituals that followed, she was made to participate as a mother-figure. She was so emotionally stirred by the love and attention showered on her by everybody that she kept shedding tears of joy and thanking everyone profusely. She told me that she had never experienced such hospitality anywhere and would always remember us as her own. She left the country with an exuberant smile.

Her happiness demonstrated the significance of the quote we have been taught from our childhood-" the guest is God". I also understood why we live in a joint family when she appreciated this uncommon concept: the older generations raise the younger ones with selfless love and the latter repay their sacrifices with care in their old-age. It teaches us to adjust to various kinds of people and to embrace the new people we encounter. I realized the role of culture in my life: it moulds me into a better human being. It presents some lessons of life which otherwise would have taken a long time to be discovered.

Every country has its own culture, which adds a unique flavour to each of its citizens. A culture cannot be successful if it remains exclusive. It should evolve with the times, adopting the positive attributes of other cultures and eliminating the negative ones of its own. I know the worth of my culture and have accepted it as an essential guiding element of my life. It is a little difficult to decipher the purpose of every belief and practice of my region but a universal truth prevails- culture lights up the path filled wonderful aspects of life and if we choose to tread this path, our lives will become all the more meaningful.

-Do i do jujstice to he prompt??
-Is this essay good enough for the ivies??
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / "Dune"; Princeton supp- favorite quotation [4]

p.s. review mine too, deadlines round d corner!!
it does answer it well, add a line about how d more u dig deep d deeper d logic goes, bt d process of clearing ur concepts is enriching and helps u enderstand things better. nd science is all about finding new things and explaining old ones, so even if we r not able to reach the exact place of knowldge, the curiosity nd search is all that matters! write this nd u cn prove dt we try to find things despite d fact dat dey cnt be found!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / 'An Unexpected Journey and Winning the Green Card' Common Application [33]

It's difficult to leave the place you call home once, and twice, but the third time turns you into an emotional wreck, I thought. I moved from Bolivia to Spain when I was seven years old, and from Spain to the United States when I was thirteen. Ironically s used here why? I had entered the so called 'freshman' year, and with 'Hello,' 'How are you' and 'Goodbye' under my belt, I made it through my first day.

i think the essay is good, a lil finishing touch on d ending would make it great!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / The Band Room; Williams College' Reflect on the scene [5]

the topic is great.

Eachone is placed in a perfect row facing the Director's stand.

my Passion for music, the Joy of playing it, the Exciting rush of such powerful pieces, but also Frustration with challenging pieces which is counteracted by the Satisfaction of performing them with a talented group after the hours of hard work spent on perfecting the tiniest of details.

why do u start the names of emotions with capital letters?! if u r personifying them then -make it "Excitement"!

After three years, he had highly complemented me on this and what had I done?

I knew I was a good musician, and so did my friends. I didn'tdo not need someone else deciding it for me.

hey u r saying u did not need others to judge you, then why mention friends?
idea is gud , work on d conclusion though! how now a backseat or something doesnt deter you!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / Personal reward and satisfaction Why I want to become a nurse & further my education [2]

ummm, I read your essay it is definitely an honest piece with solid points but you could rephrase it in a way "show dnt tell"...

What motivates me to become a nurse is the personal reward and satisfaction of helping the ill and improving their quality of life. My vision of my nursing career includes giving aid to those in need, comforting the sick and celebrating life in every aspect.

you could write ab how u picture urself as a nurse in future, relieving pain and doing selfless serivce! just describe the emotion u feel while u r helping the sick, a lil dramatization wont hurt!

I enjoy helping others. I fit in this field because I am kindhearted, thoughtful, reliable, honest, trustworthy and I strive for excellence.

god points but they again are more of general sentences....u need 200 mre words, u can esaily do that by elaborating on ur emotions !! u ENJOY helping, how...give an example or two! plus dnt sweat it abt d word limit , just elaborate a lil and ull reach there! gudluck!

P.S.- review mine too please!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / Business and Management/ NYU Supp/ Programs & Interests? [5]

include a line in the beginning of why or since when u hve wnted to be a businessman nd i read it twice but couldnt see any apparent errors grammarwise!

help me too, deadlines juc round d corner!
Dec 26, 2012
Undergraduate / Be Born Every day; COMMON APP/ Person who had Significant Influence [6]

Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

Be Born Every day

There are two types of people in this world: ones who plan to do one thing for their whole life and others, who plan to do multitudinous things in one life. The (word-use of/ benefit of/ correctness of) of belonging to the latter is controversial but I inevitably identify myself with the second group. Just like salt formation is an intrinsic property of halogens (yes, I like to flaunt my limited knowledge of chemistry); ambivalence is mine. When I was a young girl, I was pretty sure of my goals: I wanted to be a teacher; the authority associated with marking papers in red ink was just too overwhelming to resist. A decade has passed since then and today when my parents pose the same query-"What do you want to become?", I am at an absolute loss of words.

Everyday I wake up with a new ambition in mind: yesterday I wanted to be a bakery owner so that I could devour the cakes while sample-testing, today I want to be an unbiased journalist for the local newspaper and maybe tomorrow I would want to be a business manager, the multipurpose go-to person of a company. My perception of life and my aims alters periodically. Some of my decisions involve profound thought while others are influenced by latest trends/trending opinions. Deciding upon a career and a suitable major were nightmares to me until recently as choosing one meant loosing the other.

When in doubt, (rush to/consult) your mother, so I approached her with my dilemma. She is gifted with the supreme knowledge of the ways of the world and exceptional decision-making powers. Rather than helping me settle with a subject after discerning my dilemma, she narrated the story of her life. She had always liked Science and completed her post graduation in Botany after which she undertook extensive research-work (in it). Her propensity for research (dwindled/diminished/declined) and she decided to join the civil services. She cleared the civil services examination which required her to (thoroughly) study Humanities. But before (she could join the job/her recruitment letter came), I was born and she, a career-oriented woman, voluntarily stayed at home for the next ten years to raise me and my brother. Today she is a contented Sales Tax Officer, working in a field she would never have opted when she was getting ready for college.

Through the vivid description of her choices in life, my mother taught me that there exist no limits, unless they are self-imposed. My filling the "intended major" column could not affect who I would become. I can still be someone else each time I looked into the mirror, shocking my own reflection. If I have faith in my (likings/) and my caliber, I can easily achieve whatever I aspire (to). My mother taught me that (uncertainty/ambivalence) is (normal/natural), in fact, it is great because it means that I can be born every day, ready to convert the vigor of having an oven-fresh goal into toil for achieving it. I need to put in my best effort in whatever I'm doing (now/currently). I need to focus onmy current tasks even though I may not succeed in every intended (domain/field/area), but at least the hunger in my inner soul for novel role-plays would be satiated. And isn't that the actual target of life, to listen to your heart and to fulfill its desires?
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