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Madalo 1 / -  
Jan 23, 2018   #1

cotribution to Malawi's development

Attaining a postgraduate qualification in applied international development is a timely and important step for me in relations to Malawi's achievement of its development goals. My study plan looks at a holistic and participatory approach for improving the quality of the population in all aspects including education, health, agriculture and other equally important areas.

Great investment on development has been done on formulating policy and bringing change to the people. Both government and development partners have worked towards improving the rate of population growth through different sector strategies and policies. The current policies focus on reducing the fertility rate through several strategies such as family planning for the youth and new mothers. However, the policies and strategies lack an element of improving the quality of the population by implementing holistic strategies.

Reducing the fertility rate through delayed marriages and family planning is a very effective way to regulate the population growth in the years to come. However, it is also important to make necessary arrangements for building a strong framework for development and prosperity in the future generations. As part of my study plan, I will assess the best methodologies for developing holistic and participatory policies and intervention approaches from the grassroots. Involving people in developing policy from the grassroots is very important in ensuring successful implementation and ownership of the policies and interventions. In addition, it is also very key in promoting equity among people from all genders, cultures and social positions. Furthermore, interactive development approaches also encourage transparency in development and implementation. Each member of the population is aware of what is happening and why. Consequently, it will be relatively easy to ensure continuity of interventions despite pulling out of stakeholders and partners; or completion of projects. Ultimately, Malawi will make strides towards improving the quality of the population through the achievement of sustainable development goals such as education, Health, Transparency as well as inequality.

Consequent to my return home, I have plans to collaborate with the government and my UK alma mater to spearhead research and formulation of development policies that are tailored for the people; as well as interventions that are largely delivered by the involvement of the population. At the outset, I intend to secure a position with the government in the population unit or with any development partner. This will provide me with an opportunity to develop interventions that are tailored towards involvement of the people in all development aspects such as education, health and other equally important areas.

As a signatory on the Agenda 2030, Malawi will be able to make effort towards achievement of the sustainable development goals and to have a better relationship with UK development partners with regards to public policy research and delivery of sustainable interventions. In the long run, not only will the rate of population be reduced, but also the quality of the remaining population will be much better in terms of education, health, equity, transparency; governance just to mention a few.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Jan 24, 2018   #2
Dalitso, narrow the field of focus for your study plan. You are trying to cover too many topics in one research. You will not be able to merge all of the differing researches in the various fields you indicated. You will need to choose just one topic for your study plan so that you can thoroughly research a topic that will truly make a difference in the life of the people of Malawi.

In order to properly consider your final study plan, you first need to look into the available research avenues and possible methodologies available to you as a student at a particular university. Of the three topics you provided, which one would you prioritize? Does the university offerings and other programs offer you a chance to develop such a study plan? What are the available research options for you? Once you know what your research options are, you should be able to better choose the topic of your research. It is important that you look into the instruments available to you first because if the university cannot assist you with your research, your chances of being admitted will be slim.

You are not really presenting a proper study plan in this instance. You are not even sure of what central topic, methodology, and final outcome of the research you plan to present. Without these elements, all you have written is an essay that presents your motivation for study rather than a concrete study plan. Read the study plan presentations available as samples here. Note the content, format, and presentation that was used. Try to represent something similar in your own revised presentation.
Bangarusai 1 / 4 1  
Jan 28, 2018   #3
You should able to show clarity in your plan. Your idea may have a broad interest but your study plan should be precise and subject oriented. You should basically write a thesis statement and make sure you reviewer understand you have a research background. Start with your proposed topic, state your research questions with clarity, it's significance and justification for choosing a particular university and supervisor.

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