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Freight forwarder - Why did you choose proposed course and institution - AAS

Aroma 4 / 7  
Feb 29, 2024   #1
Ghana's ports are confronted with perceived challenges. These challenges impede the activities of port users and government revenue generation: bribery and corruption is instigated by custom officers during inspections of cargoes in clearance procedures. They deliberately delay the inspection for the cargoes to overstay which is seized and auctioned at cheap prices. To avoid this frustration and lost of cargoes, the shipper or intermediary is compelled to pay bribe to speed up the clearing process; sometimes the officers assist shippers to engage in smuggling. They provide dubious avenues for shippers to escape the compulsory inspections by Food and Drugs Authority (FDA). Thees moneys rather go into individual pockets of the officers; inexperienced personnels by both the customs officers and the intermediaries( freight forwarders). Government recruits most personnels into Custom Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) that have no or little maritime background whereas, the freight forwarding companies also recruit personnels with same situation on the basis of giving less remunerations. This results in unnecessary creation of errors during documentations and incurring unnecessary costs to shippers; theft cases are also rampant at the ports.Security protocols at the ports are ineffective, therefore peoples' cargoes are always stolen by intruders and sometimes the officers themselves.

With regard to these challenges and my ambition to become freight forwarder, I have chosen Maritime and Logistics Management because it entails practical field experience which will give me an explicit knowledge on how the advanced system in Australia is able to curb such menaces like the smuggling, theft, and bribery and corruption, which I will propose to my Ghanaian government to consider for implementation. I will ensure that people with maritime background or knowledge shall be employed in my future freight forwarding and logistics company that I will establish to either mitigate or eradicate those errors committed during documentation to ensure our clients get excellent work done all the time.

I have chosen to attend University of Tasmania maritime college which is the Australian Maritime College because it is known worldwide as one of the maritime schools that offers courses that are relevant to global demand and a centre for excellence.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 5, 2024   #2
The reviewer is not interested in the story of corruption in your country. He is interested in the reasons why you chose specific courses at specific universities in Australia. Rather than being so informative about the corruption in your country as you did in this essay, you should instead, be connecting the corruption and its resolution to your university course and academic institution choice. That way you use the information in a more creative and acceptable manner for the reviewer to consider. Opt to deliver a more insightful consideration of course and university choices. Those discussions are quite unimpressive in this presentation. It does not contain any remarkable reasons for your decision to study in Australia.

Home / Scholarship / Freight forwarder - Why did you choose proposed course and institution - AAS
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