Charity and Voluntary work that is how i think i have met this requirement in the past. i have engaged in at least six(6) organisations and written more than five recommendations to Government organisations on various change and adaption strategies with examples from developed countries. However, my reports were usually buried behind desk and on one visit to the organisation evidently indicated that the report was not even read let alone considered.
One of such recommendation is the creation of a National Insurance scheme, which i submitted to to relevant government agencies in Nigeria, However, one key finding was evident in my many attempts to create the change that i like to see, and is the idea that one need not only to submit reports or meet people, success of the idea depends on meeting and influencing the right people in order to get the right function, as such the influencing individuals must possess networking and influencing skills. Hence, i honed my social and networking skill, learnt to meet people through people and with that tactics the medical scheme is now active under the banner of the NHIS(Nigeria Health Insurance Scheme).
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15548 Edet, While you have written a very nice short essay regarding your sense of leadership and influencing, the information that you presented is not exactly in line with what Chevening is looking for in their scholars. You have written an essay that is quite defeatist in attitude and does not prove that you know how to create strong and successful networking contacts for your own benefit. When writing a networking essay for Chevening, please make sure that you do that from the perspective of your networking skills in action rather than behind a desk, writing a report.
One suggestion that I can make is for you to think about your membership in various organizations. Think about how you participated in its various activities. Now, which activity in particular put you into contact with people from other organizations that you ended up having to regularly contact up to this very day? if you have an activity that helped you or required you to make contact with other people, then perhaps those would suit this essay best.
You see, Chevening really requires their scholars to be able to network successfully because the scholarship relies on these contacts from the alumna to help the in mentoring the future scholars. The sharing of the network with Chevening is actually an act of payback for the kindness and help that you will be receiving from the other alumna should you become a scholar as well. So, you can see why your current essay just won't work in the frame and pattern that the essay prompt requires.
Try your best to develop a more relevant response to the prompt. I have provided you with some ideas as to how you can approach this essay. I hope it helps you. Don't forget to refer to the other successful networking essay examples at this website as well. I look forward to reading your updated version when you are ready to have it read.
Thanks a lot, please see below the updated version. am always open for corrections. thanks
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15548 Nope. This isn't what Chevening is looking for just yet. You are getting close though. Remember the part when you claimed to have done things to hone your networking skills? It isn't enough that you just said it, you have to discuss it. Explain how you did that. What kind of network was created? Who were involved in the creation of this network? How did the network help you complete your task? These are the questions that you should be presenting answers to in the essay in order to prove that you have the strong networking skills that the scholarship requires of its students.
You can't just keep presenting summary discussions of your abilities or merely mentioning activities that seem to have a connection to networking. You need to show your networking skills in action. Please, do yourself a favor and refer to the sample networking essays in this forum. Look at how these were developed and do your best to imitate their content, only using your personal data in place of theirs. I guarantee you will be able to properly develop your essay if you do that.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15548 I won't get tired of helping you Edet. I hope you won't get tired of revising your essays either. We may have a long road ahead of us in terms of revising your essay until it gets to its final form. You are actually improving in form and content. There is only one portion that you cannot seem to do just yet and I hope that I can help you overcome that problem in the next incarnation of your essay.
About this National Insurance scheme. Were you the driving force behind this document? If so, can you explain its importance? Kindly mention the people whom you had to make contact and network with in order to get the document approved. That is if it was approved. Was it? If it wasn't I'll try to come up with something else for you to work on as the basis of your essay. I'll just need some time to review your credentials and develop some sort of networking angle that you can write about.