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I am quite social and I need Chevening to understand this. What do you say about the following essay

Medo91 4 / 10 3  
Oct 29, 2016   #1
Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage ...

As human beings, we cannot live in this world without social networks, this driving force that necessitates people to participate in surrounding communities and the thrust that pushes them to sustain and get the chance to be active members and productive in their societies.

I consider networking as the renewable resource by which I can cultivate relationships that help me to thrive and learn more about day-to-day opportunities which fit into my field of interests.

My networking skill set characterizes me with being the initiative- taker for building relations with people especially with foreigners coming from different education backgrounds and cultures. I always have the objective of creating comprehensive networks to share information, updates, and upcoming events that might be an interest for any member of this network. Meeting foreigners on a daily basis made me develop a personal technique I call "the effective five minutes' talk" from which I can recognize and understand a person's education, job field and interests. I depend on making the conversation focuses on our previous education, what kind of job we do for a living, and what is the thing that pushed this person to come and get the service we offer in my workplace. The results of such kind of actions can affect individuals and help them to discover new things easily and the outcome might be really an adding value to people's lives in an authentic way. One example I would like to mention when I was talking to a client visiting us in my previous workplace, he recommended Manchester university in which he studied and attained his MBA degree, he shared this information with me after I told him that I am planning to continue my higher education in the UK.

The next skill I always work on to make it like a habit is positive thinking toward every new contact or relationship built. I look beyond the short-term result of this new movement; a new business opportunity can be achieved from a simple chat with a senior officer. I consider connecting as building professional networks rather than just a casual acquaintance and I approach networking process with a greater sense of purpose. In other words, I anticipate this process with positive and optimistic conceive and turning points in my life can happen in result of meeting new people from different disciplines. This attribute prompts me to connect with a strong concentration on business development rather than doing the duties I am supposed to do; it charges me with the zeal to grow my network and generate new leads that would be an invaluable asset to the organization I work for and another accomplishment added to my interpersonal skills.

I hope to share the benefits of these skills with the Chevening community I will be engaged with and try as much as I can to enhance their skills depending on proven examples related to our profession and provide them with workplace incidents that clarify what credits these skills can add to people.
Haneen Ali 2 / 3  
Oct 29, 2016   #2

i think your answer is one of the best answers i read , it full of optimism
i hope if you write more specific examples for your networking skills , but i think what you wrote is very good and honest

good luck
OP Medo91 4 / 10 3  
Oct 29, 2016   #3
@Haneen Ali

thanks for your supporting feedback,

I thought of mentioning more than two networking skills as examples, but I concluded to the fact that they are not asking me to list all my skills in this essay.

I will think about that again and see what ideas could be added or revised.

Many thanks

Home / Scholarship / I am quite social and I need Chevening to understand this. What do you say about the following essay
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