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The world of law - Personal statement for the GKS scholarship

Vera24 3 / 13  
Jul 26, 2024   #1
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Growing up, I was fascinated by the world of law. I vividly remember watching the news with my father, where court cases and lawyers in action captured my attention. I often asked my mother about these people, and she explained that they were lawyers, individuals who help judge cases and ensure justice is served. Intrigued, I declared that I wanted to become a lawyer when I grew up. My mother encouraged me, saying, "That's good. But remember, you have to read a lot." This encouragement fueled my determination, and I immersed myself in reading and learning.One significant experience during my childhood involved a conversation about lawyers and honesty. I overheard someone saying that lawyers often lie to win cases. This troubled me, as I believed that being a lawyer should not be about lying but about upholding the truth and fighting for justice. I resolved that my path in law would be defined by integrity and a commitment to advocating for what is right. My decision to become a lawyer stems from a deep-seated desire to help people fight for their rights and to be an advocate for justice. With this passion, I am determined to pursue a career in law, specializing in human rights, family law, corporate law, and civil law. My goal is to contribute to a just society where everyone receives fair treatment and legal protection. "The law is not a mystery; it is a living, breathing entity that shapes and defines the world around us."From a young age, whenever I was asked what I wanted to become in the future, my answer was always the same: "I want to become a lawyer." Growing up, I realized that not all childhood dreams come true easily, but my determination to become a lawyer remained unwavering. In my country, many people lack the opportunity to receive a proper education. I was fortunate to have this opportunity, and discovering the GKS program felt like a pivotal moment-a reliable path to achieving my dream.Despite facing discouragement from those who suggested I pursue a more financially lucrative career, I stood firm in my resolve. My mother has always been my greatest supporter, encouraging me to follow my passion. Witnessing the societal impact of law and the importance of advocacy, I knew that, even if I never became a lawyer, I wanted to be an advocate for justice. There were times when I considered abandoning my dream, thinking it might be better to pursue a trade if I couldn't study law. However, I realized that compromising on my dream would lead to regret. I am committed to pursuing a career in law, where I can make a meaningful impact on my community.I have completed my high school education with a focus on humanities and social sciences, consistently achieving strong grades. Subjects such as history and literature have been particularly influential in shaping my understanding of societal issues and the importance of law. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively participated in various extracurricular activities that have enhanced my interest and understanding of the legal field. These experiences have prepared me well for the challenges and opportunities of studying law at a higher level.One of the most significant experiences that influenced my decision to pursue law was my involvement in a community legal aid project. Volunteering to assist underprivileged families with basic legal education and documentation has shown me the profound impact of legal support on improving lives. This experience reinforced my commitment to becoming a lawyer who can advocate for justice and support those in need. Additionally, my mentor, a respected lawyer in my community, has played a crucial role in guiding and encouraging me to pursue my passion for law. Their insights and support have been invaluable in shaping my academic and career goals.I have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities that have contributed to my personal and academic development, including the Debate Club and community service. While I have not received any formal awards, my dedication and contributions to my community and extracurricular activities have been recognized by my peers and mentors. I have written articles on legal awareness for my school newsletter, which have been well-received and appreciated by my community. Additionally, I have developed skills in legal research, public speaking, and organization through my various activities and projects.Although I am not fluent in Korean, I am committed to learning the language to enhance my studies and interactions in Korea. My proficiency in English is at a functional level, and I am continuously working to improve my language skills to better prepare for the academic challenges ahead.In conclusion, the opportunity to study law under the GKS program is a pivotal step toward achieving my career goals and making a meaningful impact on my community. I am eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with this program, and I am confident that the knowledge and experience I will gain will equip me to become a dedicated and effective advocate for justice. Thank you for considering my application.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15186  
Jul 28, 2024   #2
. I vividly remember watching the news with my father, where court cases and lawyers in action captured my attention. I often asked my mother about these people

Let me get this straight, you watched these programs with your father, but you asked your mother about it? Why? If that is the case, you should have mentioned watching these programs with your mother rather than your father for continuity purposes in the presentation. You confused the reader. What is the value of watching these programs with your father?

I declared that I wanted to become a lawyer when I grew up.

This does not make sense. You decided to become a lawyer simply based upon the explanation of your mother? You were not even a teenager at this time. You were just a child. That reference does not make sense. No reviewer will believe this claim. Your essay is off to a very confusing start.

The essay is badly formatted. I lost interest in reading it after the first few lines. I suspect the actual reviewer would also lose interest in reading this paper at that point. The overall presentation needs to be further improved. The formatting needs to be better and, the writing guide instructions should be adhered to in the presentation.
OP Vera24 3 / 13  
Aug 13, 2024   #3

Personal statement for the GKS scholarship

I initially wanted to consider becoming a doctor, partly because of my fear of public interaction and social anxiety. I believed that being a doctor might allow me to avoid large crowds and intense scrutiny. However, my mother made me realize that every profession requires interaction with people, whether patients, clients, or colleagues. This realization led me to confront my fears rather than allow them to dictate my career choice.It was during this time of self-reflection that I began to notice my natural inclination for resolving conflicts and seeking justice. In school, I often found myself in situations where I mediated disputes among my classmates. One particular incident stands out: a misunderstanding over some lost money led to accusations and tensions. Instead of letting the situation escalate, I proposed that we search for the missing money and resolve the issue among ourselves, rather than involving the principal, which could have led to severe consequences for an innocent party. My approach helped us find the money and peacefully resolve the dispute, earning me the nickname of "lawyer" among my peers.This experience, along with others, sparked a realization within me-I was drawn to the idea of justice and fairness, and despite my fear of public speaking, I wanted to pursue a career in law. I have always been dedicated to achieving excellence. I was consistently among the top 5 in my class, a reflection of my commitment to my studies and my determination to excel. My strong academic foundation has prepared me well for the rigorous study of law. My fear of public speaking, however, continued to hold me back for some time. I avoided opportunities to participate in debates or any activity that required standing in front of others. However, one day, my teachers and peers encouraged me to join a school debate. I was hesitant and filled with anxiety, but I decided to take the chance. As I stood in front of the audience, I was overwhelmed with nerves, but as I began to speak, something shifted. I found myself drawing on my own understanding of the topic, speaking with a clarity and confidence that surprised even me.This experience was a turning point. I realized that I could overcome my fears and that my passion for justice was stronger than my anxiety. After that debate, I actively sought out more opportunities to speak in public. I joined the press club at my school, where I regularly gave updates and shared news during assemblies. This involvement helped me build my confidence and develop crucial skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, and the ability to remain composed under pressure.In addition to the press club, I later joined the newly formed debate club, participating in competitions with other schools. Although we never won any awards, the experience of debating and engaging in intellectual discussions was invaluable. It allowed me to further hone my public speaking skills and solidify my commitment to pursuing a career in law.These experiences, coupled with my academic achievements, have prepared me well for the challenges of studying law at the university level. While I have not received formal awards, the journey of overcoming my social anxiety and developing the confidence to speak in public is one of my proudest achievements. It has equipped me with the resilience and determination necessary to succeed in the demanding field of law.Conclusion The GKS scholarship represents more than just an opportunity to study law in Korea-it is a chance to further develop the skills and qualities I have worked so hard to cultivate. I am eager to immerse myself in a new legal system, contribute to meaningful discussions, and continue growing both personally and professionally. I believe that with the support of this program, I can achieve my goal of becoming a lawyer who not only understands the law but also possesses the courage to stand up for what is right, regardless of the challenges I may face.
OP Vera24 3 / 13  
Aug 15, 2024   #4
Please can you reply this my second personal statement. You merge the essay when is a different one then I have to pay to urgent my thread. Yes, but it needs to be made URGENT, thanks.
rumia rumi 1 / 1  
Aug 16, 2024   #5
The determination in this essay is good. However, don't you think that there are many essays out there which are more inspiring out there? I've seen many people telling that there family members died because of the unfairness or stuffs like that. Do you think you can compete with them
Moreover, your essay has mistakes in vocabulary usage. The repetitions of words such as "experiences" or "legal" may make the reviewers feel irritated
Henry56 1 / 3  
Aug 28, 2024   #6
Your draft effectively captures your passion for law and determination. It's engaging, but simplifying transitions and reducing repetition will make it even more impactful. Highlighting why specific legal areas resonate with you and clearly stating your achievements will add depth. Overall, it's a strong and sincere narrative.
OP Vera24 3 / 13  
Sep 6, 2024   #7

Law - Personal statement for the GKS scholarship

I am writing to express my profound interest in pursuing an undergraduate degree in International Law at a prestigious university in South Korea through the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS). My passion for justice, human rights, and the transformative power of the legal system has been shaped by personal experiences, as well as my dedication to understanding how laws can shape societies for the better. Studying in Korea, a country known for its robust legal system and commitment to democratic values, offers me the perfect platform to deepen my knowledge and contribute to the global legal community.From a young age, I have been drawn to understanding how societies function and how justice is served. Growing up, I often found myself in situations where I mediated disputes among my peers, and these small experiences made me realize how much I enjoyed bringing people together to resolve conflicts. It was not just about solving a problem, but about ensuring fairness and equality in every situation. This early spark eventually evolved into a deep passion for law, as I saw how legal systems can protect rights and address societal challenges.During my academic journey, my fascination with societal structures grew stronger through my love for subjects like history and political science. My high grades in these areas reflect not just my academic strength, but my genuine interest in understanding the complexities of human behavior and governance. However, it wasn't just in the classroom that I found my passion for law. Joining debate clubs, participating in conferences, and even overcoming my initial fear of public speaking became turning points for me. In one debate, where I was named Best Speaker, I felt a sense of accomplishment not just from the award but from realizing that I could use my voice to advocate for ideas and principles I believed in. It was in these moments that I knew law was not just a profession I wanted to pursue-it was a calling.For me, law is more than a career; it is a way to make a tangible difference in the world. My interest in international law and human rights stems from a belief that every person, no matter where they are born or what their circumstances, deserves protection under the law. I have been particularly drawn to issues of inequality, discrimination, and social justice, and I believe that with the right legal framework, we can address many of the injustices that persist globally. South Korea's legal environment, with its combination of civil law traditions and modern democratic values, offers the ideal context to explore these areas. The country's innovative spirit and leadership in technology also intrigue me, especially in how law intersects with emerging technologies-a field that is increasingly important in our globalized world.Upon completing my undergraduate studies, my short-term goal is to gain practical experience by working in a law firm in South Korea. I believe that working in Korea will provide me with invaluable insights into the legal system, expose me to diverse legal challenges, and allow me to refine my skills in a dynamic, international environment. In the long term, I plan to return to my home country and establish my own law firm. My aim is to use the knowledge and experience I have gained in Korea to contribute to legal reform and justice in my own community, advocating for the protection of human rights and providing access to legal services for marginalized groups. I am committed to bridging cultural and legal perspectives, and I believe that studying law in Korea will equip me with the tools to make a meaningful impact in both my country and the international legal community.Studying in Korea is more than just an academic pursuit for me. I am excited to immerse myself in Korean culture, learn the language, and build meaningful relationships with peers from all over the world. Having already begun studying Korean, I see language as a bridge that will allow me to engage more fully with the community around me and appreciate the country's rich history and traditions. This cultural immersion will not only broaden my perspective but also enhance my ability to work in diverse international environments in the future.In conclusion, the Global Korea Scholarship offers me a chance to combine my passion for law with a world-class education in a country that values both tradition and innovation. I am committed to fully embracing this opportunity, contributing to the academic and cultural life of Korea, and using the skills and knowledge I gain to advocate for justice and human rights on a global scale. Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for the opportunity to contribute to and learn from your esteemed institution.
OP Vera24 3 / 13  
Sep 8, 2024   #8
Why do you guys like merging the essay. The same / revised essay may be commented more than once only if it is made URGENT.

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