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'there is so much I aim to accomplish' - How do you plan to succeed at VCU?

restinpizza 7 / 15  
Oct 28, 2014   #1
Prompt: As you start your college career, what is your primary goal as a student and how have you prepared to meet this goal, how do you plan to succeed, how do you feel you will do at VCU?

As I start my college career, there is so much I aim to accomplish. I aim to discover myself, on an entirely evolved personal level and learn new things about the world. There is so much about the world that I don't know yet, and so much that I can learn from the people around me. I live by the philosophy that every person you will ever meet knows something that you don't know and I hope that college will be a gateway for me to discover that knowledge that exists within the humans that inhabit the Earth.

I also aim to become involved in the diverse community of students that VCU has to offer. VCU has 100 countries represented in its student body. I look forward to immersing myself in all of those different cultures and being able to learn through people.

As a prospective history major, I also look forward to the large range of history courses offered at VCU. Since high school has been my only exposure to history courses at this point in time, the plethora of history courses, such as the Zenith of European Power and the Origins of Modernism, that VCU offers excites me greatly and only incites eager anticipation as I prepare myself to learn as much as I can during my time at VCU.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Oct 28, 2014   #2
Lauren, you have very good introductory statements for each plan of action that you present. You just need to develop the content by giving more precise information such as the subjects to are looking to enroll in and why it is of interest to you, what social activities you plan on participating in, and how you can give back to the academic and student community as well. The prompt is asking you to present an outline of the next 4 years of your life at VCU so you should be as detailed and informative as possible. Don't forget to mention any mentor or internship programs that the university offers which tie in directly to your major and how you want to be a part of it. It would help if you mentioned some notable professor names as people you are looking forward to learning from and working with as a student there. You need to show them that you already have your future outlined and planned. All that you need is to execute it and you know just how VCU can help you do that.

Home / Undergraduate / 'there is so much I aim to accomplish' - How do you plan to succeed at VCU?
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