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"A Child Called It." ; VT personal statement; writing, music, film or other creative work

madeliblo 1 / -  
Oct 16, 2013   #1
I'm extremely nervous and want to be accepted to Virginia Tech more than anything...
Please let me know what you think of my personal statements..

Discuss a piece of writing, music, film or other creative work that has influenced the person you are today.
The first novel I ever chose to leisurely read was called "A Child Called It." This autobiography was about the author, David Peltzer's, life as a child. His mother brutally beat him, as well as stabbed him, forced him to sit on top of a burning stove, sleep in the basement, and even consume his own vomit. These are just a few examples of the crucial punishment David's mother enforced upon him. Reading this autobiography helped me realize how much worse my life could be and really made me appreciate life more than anything has. It also made me aware of the horrid lives people could possibly suffering and to never underestimate what someone could be going through. This inspiring story has influenced me to be the helping, loving, and forgiving person I am today and improved my understanding that everyone deserves a friend.

If there is something you think would be beneficial for the Admissions Committee to know as we review your academic history, please take this opportunity to explain.

Growing up, I was forced to handle a lot of situations most children do not have to encounter at such a young age. These situations include dereliction, theft, and abuse. When I was ten years old, I discovered my mother was undergoing a serious drug addiction. I then understood her lack of reasoning and ability to care for me as a mother should, such as neglecting me when I needed her most by sporadically leaving and coming back multiple times a month, stealing any and everything I had of value to sell for drugs, and abusing me emotionally, verbally, and sometimes even physically. Overcoming my mother's deceit and betrayal is by far the most difficult thing I've ever experienced and as a result have tried my hardest to suppress from my memory. At an early age, I came to the realization that I would never want to go down a path of self-destruction as my mother did. Furthermore, undergoing unfortunate events as a young child shaped me into the stronger and wiser person I am today.

I really want to do my third reason on the top five reasons I want to be a hokie, but I really don't want to sound cliché. I've wanted to go there since I even knew what college was, but I don't know what to put... Any suggestions?

Home / Undergraduate / "A Child Called It." ; VT personal statement; writing, music, film or other creative work
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