Men and women in tattered clothing sporting lit cigarettes surrounded me; faces lined and scarred.
People dont sport cigarettes
Homeless was synonymous to desperate, dependent, and irregular.
^'Was'? Quite frankly, this seems more like your definition of the word, which is quite unecessary. People understand what the word 'homeless' means and what it is synonymous with.
Chicken casserole, baked beans, steamed broccoli, all of these foods seemed a waste when I thought of a homeless person consuming them.
Your grammar here is not the only strange part in this sentence. Since when has chicken casserole, baked beans and broccoli been considered exotic enough to even be served to the homeless?
that many were dressed in suits. I was surprised. These people suddenly seemed normal to me.
^I am sorry, but I am not wearing a suit right now. Does that mean I will not seem normal to you?
there children.
^Read that again and spot the error.
I realized that my work at the Delonis center would further these peoples dreams and aspirations. A job that I resented soon became something that I could not leave.
^I understand the importance of food for any human in order to survive. But, do you really think that by just giving these people food, you are shaping their dreams and aspirations??
but also others in need.
We all know this. But if you realize this and want to do this, what have you done to support this?
I would want my differences to shine at the University of Michigan. Perhaps my ability to speak and write Mandarin will be of service to some, or maybe playing the piano will enliven somebody's mood. Encouraging my differences is my goal at the University of Michigan.
^You talk about social differences. Then all of a sudden, you mention 'your differences', which youd like to shine through. What are these 'differences'? Your social difference? The fact that you are more financially stable than a homeless person??
The last part does not tie up with what you have already written.