Lehigh Short Answer: basically why i decided to apply to Lehigh and what i can offer
As a student looking for opportunities in a business world, a proper education is essential for a successful outcome. While there are many colleges that have the appropriate facilities that can help me expand my business education, Lehigh University has taken my interest. Lehigh offers many academic programs that would provide needed experience. Also, Lehigh presents a gorgeous 1600 acres campus with a diverse community where anyone is able to feel secure. My ethnic background would help contribute to the diversity by creating an accepting society. One of the many goals that I hope to achieve while attending Lehigh is to become an active student within the community and motivating others to become involved. Interacting with others is one of the many aspects that make college an important step in entering a business world. My academic abilities have been able to bring me to where I stand today and with the help of Lehigh, my abilities would be able to reach maximum potential.
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Opinions are appreciated :)! feel free to make changes to anything that sounds funny. please and thank you :D
As a student looking for opportunities in a business world, a proper education is essential for a successful outcome. While there are many colleges that have the appropriate facilities that can help me expand my business education, Lehigh University has taken my interest. Lehigh offers many academic programs that would provide needed experience. Also, Lehigh presents a gorgeous 1600 acres campus with a diverse community where anyone is able to feel secure. My ethnic background would help contribute to the diversity by creating an accepting society. One of the many goals that I hope to achieve while attending Lehigh is to become an active student within the community and motivating others to become involved. Interacting with others is one of the many aspects that make college an important step in entering a business world. My academic abilities have been able to bring me to where I stand today and with the help of Lehigh, my abilities would be able to reach maximum potential.
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Opinions are appreciated :)! feel free to make changes to anything that sounds funny. please and thank you :D