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My Goals in Life - Flagler College Admission Essay

kbeeck 1 / -  
Aug 20, 2012   #1
The College requires an essay, and considers it a vital component in the selection of students. Tell us something about your past experiences, present and future goals and how Flagler College fits into these goals. Be sure to stay on topic and write a carefully considered, grammatically correct essay with a minimum of 250 words.

I would like to be successful and happy, that is my goal in the future. I make every effort to try my best and make it through the obstacle that I am going through. If I fail, I always get back up and try again until i exceed expectations. The past shapes who we are and I am glad that I have always had a family who always supported me and gave me the extra push I needed to get through it. In fifth grade, I joined gymnastics. My mom would always help me practice my cartwheels, handstands, etc., and my dad would support me and come to my competitions. Without their support, I would of given up when I didn't stick the landing or failed to do the stunt correctly. Even though I love gymnastics, psychology is my true passion. Every since my niece was born, I would always analyze her throughout the stages of life, including the "mine" stage and the "rebellious" stage. It intrigued me of why people act the way the do. For example, some people are passive and just let everyone control them, while other people have no self control and do vicious and inhumane actions to people. I love helping people and being a psychologist would let me do exactly that. Flagler College has the potential to help me succeed in my dreams. I would go above and beyond all expectations to exceed in my classes and it will provide me with the education I need to excel in the field and make it my career.
stephenie 3 / 10  
Aug 20, 2012   #2
As I'm myself new here and younger than you, according to your post, I'll just point out a few things which I found a bit uncomfortable with your given sentences.

Every since my niece was born, I would always analyze her throughout the stages of her life, including the "mine" stage and the "rebellious" stage. It intrigued me of why people act the way they do.

Thank you!.A wonderful post :)

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