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'to spend most of my time in WIUT library Coursework ACTION PLAN-Personal development

ERDI 1 / -  
Oct 25, 2011   #1
1/Summary of my current strengths, skills and qualities:what I have achieved so far
2/What I need to develop
3/My priorities what I am going to do
4/How will I know that I have improved?

What I have achieved so far ? I think that our life is our teacher. For example, I have learned making decisions from various situations and know how to care for others, just when I got the meaning of the word "friendship". Moreover, I have experienced in team working, from playing football and computer games. In the past I got used to playing computers a lot and now I became familiar with technology and it is very easy for me to understand ICT in our university. At school, I also learned lots of things. The first thing is that ability to learn from mistakes, by simply doing multiple-choice tests. Secondly, organising work to meet deadlines, particularly going to school lessons or going to different parties in time. Thirdly, design creativity, by drawing pictures of different things. Finally, I think that I have an intermediate level of academic skills and I can easily set my own goals for tomorrow and future.

However, There are some things that I have to improve. The first one is Presentation skills because I have never done presentation in my life. The second one is to advance my academic skills at university and how to behave with difficult or aggressive people. There are other things like teaching and selling(how to behave with customers)which will be helpful for my work in the future.

As for my priorities, I am going to spend most of my time in our WIUT library and read a lot of books to improve my academic skills. We have a discussion room in library and I am sure that by sharing ideas and discussing any topics with my group mates helps me to improve my speaking. Next, I am going to find those difficult people and practise dealing with them in specific situation. But there is a question where I can find them? Well, I'll go and work in a shop abroad, where there are lot of different nations or tourists, then by practise I'll kill two birds (selling and dealing with difficult people)by one stone!

How will I know that I have improved ? I think my exam marks show me my progress in academic skills or I can simply ask my EAP teacher to evaluate me. It is the best way to evaluate yourself by asking from your friends or other people who knows you well and If you have finished something you feel confident.

5 marks
- all questions are answered

5 marks
- Manageable goals
- Structured ideas

Evidence of effective time and task management
5 marks
- actions upon these comments
Language Accuracy
5 marks
- Free from grammar/spelling mistakes
- Free from typographical mistakes

Commends ? Suggestion?and overall mark ? thanks in advance)
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Oct 27, 2011   #2
For example, I have learned decision makingdecisions from various situations and know how to care for others, just when I got the meaning of the word "friendship".

Moreover, I have experienced inteamwork , from playing football and computer games.

In the past I got used to playing on computers a lot and now I became familiar with technology and it is very easy for me to understand ICT in our university.

Secondly, organizing work to meet deadlines, particularly going to school lessons or getting to different parties on time.

Thirdly , design creativity, by drawing pictures of different things.

We have a discussion room in the library and I am sure that by sharing ideas and discussing any topics with my group mates helps me to improve my speaking.

It is the best way to evaluate yourself, by asking from your friends or other people who knows you well and when you have finished something you feel confident.

Good luck in school and have fun!!

ahmad modu - / 1  
Nov 21, 2011   #3
How to start writing a personal development planning?

please pals help me how to write a great personal development planning..
Jennyflower81 - / 690 96  
Nov 23, 2011   #4
I will assume this is for a college app or scholarship, but it may be for yourself too. I actually searched on your topic, and found a couple of great websites with laid-out guidelines, that show all of the steps to write this. Basically, the university/school wants to know that you are a "person with a plan"- this is a key point to make in your paper. Explain your short-term and long-term goals, and what are your reasons for these goals. I wish you luck.

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