Hey I just finished my rough draft of the extracurricular short answer for common app. Please help me out by throwing in some feedback. All suggestion are welcome! Don't hold back!
Prompt: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below.
I would have never expected swimming to be an integral part of my life. The water became my second world, where all my worries vanished and where my mind was set to wander aimlessly. Swimming for the high school team has impacted me greatly and has been a great experience. It taught me the value of sportsmanship as it not only makes our opponents feel better but also makes us feel better. No matter winning a race or losing it, there is always a joy in competing, from the "on your mark, get set, go" to the last moments of the race as I try to stretch out my fingers to beat the swimmer next to me or set a new personal record.
Prompt: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below.
I would have never expected swimming to be an integral part of my life. The water became my second world, where all my worries vanished and where my mind was set to wander aimlessly. Swimming for the high school team has impacted me greatly and has been a great experience. It taught me the value of sportsmanship as it not only makes our opponents feel better but also makes us feel better. No matter winning a race or losing it, there is always a joy in competing, from the "on your mark, get set, go" to the last moments of the race as I try to stretch out my fingers to beat the swimmer next to me or set a new personal record.