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Taking care of baby sister/Volunteer SFU;UBC ADMISSIONS - EXPERIENCE/ FIVE ACTIVITIES

j011095 1 / -  
Jan 31, 2013   #1
Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that caused you to rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this had on you? (max. 200)

At the age of sixteen, I found myself taking care of my four-month-old sister, Crystal. This was primarily due to the fact that my family was financially unstable at the time which forced my parents to work late night shifts. From three in the afternoon until early morning the next day, Crystal was in my care. Over time, I learnt everything there was to tend a baby. Being the eldest, I persevered as I felt the urge to help my parents in any way possible. Despite this experience being strenuous, I would not have passed it up. I am fully aware of how difficult it must be to raise an adolescent, especially on your own. Enduring similar challenges, I now have a greater appreciation for mothers and fathers. Since I had a taste of what it feels like to be a mother, I know that at my present age, I am no where near ready to have a child of my own. As a teenager, my time should be well spent among other obligations such as taking this opportunity to become educated, and of course, enjoying the days of my youth.

Describe up to five activities that you have pursued: (max. 50)

I was a volunteer at SFU Summer Camps. Tasks that I completed were always done with a positive attitude. I handled large groups of children very well and was great at resolving conflicts. The role that I took on allowed me to take initiative to further develop as a leader.

As a current leader in the "CONNECT" program, I am able to follow the directions of my supervisor and work independently as well. I engage the students during activity time and make responsible choices for the participants. This position requires great communication skills and a strong desire to help others.

As an active member of Centennial's Business Club, I push myself to come up with new, innovative strategies to improve our profits. Knowing that teamwork and customer service is essential in the operation of a business, I cooperate well with other members, and deal with clients in a professional way.

Currently, I am a part of Centennial's Green Team. Every week, our group gets together and collects recyclable bottles. When it is not raining, we would head outside to pick up garbage that had been left around the school. This activity requires the commitment and participation of the whole group.
Jennyflower81 - / 690 96  
Jan 31, 2013   #2
Over time, I have learned everything there was toabout tending to a baby. BeingBecause I was the eldest, I persevered as I felt the urge to help my parents in any way possible.

I am fully aware of how difficult it must be to raise an adolescent, especially on your own.

I think this does not connect well to the previous sentences, first you speak of a baby, then you go on to speak of an adolescent. So, I assume that you cared for your sister until she was an adolescent... or, maybe you are trying to relate to the way your parents felt about raising you. Either way, it is a bit confusing and out of place. You can improve on this.

Because I have enduredsimilarthese challenges, I now have a greater appreciation for mothers and fathers.

Since I had a taste of what it feels like to be a mother, I know that at my present age, I am no where near ready to have a child of my own.

This is an ok point to make, but instead of saying this, you could mention how you learned to be responsible and how to be nurturing, therefore it helped you grow as a person.

Home / Undergraduate / Taking care of baby sister/Volunteer SFU;UBC ADMISSIONS - EXPERIENCE/ FIVE ACTIVITIES
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