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If we're afraid of making mistakes during the process of obtaining success, we'll miss opportunities

Crystal812 23 / 55 11  
Feb 28, 2016   #1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In today's world, it is more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sure that everything is correct.

Within the last few decades, there has been an unprecedented development of society due to quick changes of technology. Information updates fast and opportunities flow quickly. If we are afraid of making mistakes during the process of obtaining success, we will miss and waste a lot of oppotunities and information. So I believe that it's more crucial to work quickly and risk than to work slowly and make sure that everything is right.

First of all, in today's world, modern people are required to perfect their work efficiency and take advantage of instant information to adapt to the large job market. While some people are slowing their work, others are making strenuous efforts to receive fresh news and make it function at optimum level. People, who use information quickly and wisely, are more likely to survive and succeed in this competitive job market.

Second, it is hard to deny that opportunities in this world are scarce and precious, so working quickly are of great assitance to seizing them. For example: when companies want to promote somebody to become a manager, they may ask candidates to fulfill assignments within time limitations. In this case, if individuals just say that they need more time to make sure everything is correct, they will lose in the competition. In other words, opportunities do not wait for anyone.

Last but not least, we should not be afraid of making mistakes, because they are inevitable and necessary. There is no doubt that, before the success, we will experience failures many times. Even though we make mistakes, what's the most important is that, we correct those faults. Mistakes can teach us some pivotal lessons and help us maintain a modest attitude during the process. Only avoiding errors and sacrificing the speed will cost our precious information and opportunities.

In conclusion, I claim that we should work quickly and risk making mistakes rather than to work slowly and make sure that everything is correct. Because of the quick rhythm of this society, we should not miss instant information and chances.
Ssakshijain 28 / 146 87  
Feb 29, 2016   #2
You write good and this was really a well written essay with clear examples. Most important is you write these essays in a time limit as is required in TOEFL/GRE /IELTS exams . If this essay is written in time constraint then wonderful attempt. There are some minor mistakes but you will overcome them with more practice. Keep practicing:) If not, then try to practice within time limits only because writing under pressure of time is more important.
jhayea 1 / 1  
Feb 29, 2016   #3
i like this essay on my experience related to my job. i have to complete task in a perfect time for two reasons. one customer don't like to wait. want everything asap. second, payment method is setup in a way that every task has an standard time so the faster I work the more time i accumulate by the end of the day. so i agree with your conclusion however people have to learn to be patient.

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