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I do really appreciates for all comments and suggestions for my abstract draft.

akbartaufiq25 7 / 81 54  
Mar 26, 2016   #1
The issue of paraphrasing as textual borrowing in writing an academic paper draws researcher's attention to explore the paraphrasing skill of six English Department students, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, specifically in the literature review section of a research proposal. In responds to this concern, a qualitative research will be carried out. Furthermore, the Keck's modified taxonomy of paraphrasing by Badiozaman (2014) will be applied to have an in-depth investigation toward students' paraphrasing skill in the literature review section. The finding revealed that among six students, three out of them are able to execute moderate revision and the other three only produce near copy. This emerges from the difference of these students' paraphrasing output in refers to the aspects in producing a qualified paraphrasing namely the sufficient knowledge of paraphrasing, the capability in analytic reading and its correlation in applying paraphrasing strategy, also the citation mechanic. Therefore, the finding suggests the necessity to expand students' concept about paraphrasing in reviewing literature by improving their skill with guidance from related institutions. Moreover, it is recommended to undertake further research about paraphrasing in wider scope due to investigate some possible issues related to paraphrasing and the other textual borrowing mechanic.
ainirere /  
Mar 26, 2016   #2
The issue of paraphrasing as textual borrowing in paper academic writiting draws researcher's attention to explore

In responds to this concern, a qualitative research will be carried out.
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
Apr 19, 2016   #3
Hi Akbar, I would like to say Welcome to EssayForum. I know that this was a little bit too late, because most of the posts which have already answered by other members are more likely to go down below others' essay. I hope that you can be an active member in this forum later on, since it will possibly give you many valuable benefits in order to develop your academic writing skills. Make sure that you give a constructive feedback amidst other members, because as you know, meaningless feedback will definitely lead to a suspension, which is so unfortunate.

However, I notice that your essay was well-written. I like the way you deliver the information, which was understandable. The flow of ideas was also fine, very informative and clear. Yet, some grammatical problems still occurred, particularly in deciding what kind of tenses which is appropriate for every sentence in the paragraph. Somehow, I reckon that you were a little bit confused about that. This is what I've found:

- The finding revealed that(past tense? since there is no exact time signal, perhaps present perfect suits better than this one) among six students, three out of them are able(I am also little bit confuse about this. Your previous sentence said 'will be applied', which means it hasn't happened yet) to execute moderate revision and the other three only produce near copy.

- the finding suggests the (you switched again to present tense, after explaining a past research)
- ...scope due toin order to investigate some possible... (I think this sentence also didn't mean to explain cause and effect, so 'in order to' is more appropriate to the meaning itself)

My further suggestion is that, you need to be aware on picking the appropriate tenses on your essay. It seems like you keep switching the tenses in which it confuses the reader sometimes. So, I am waiting for the revision or perhaps some clarification or explanation from you regarding to your essay development. Keep writing Akbar :) Good Luck!

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