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The aptitude test is a better alternative to the interview when hiring for a position in the company

awe_28 25 / 10 6  
Feb 21, 2016   #1
Most employers interview candidates before hiring them. Do you think this is the best way to do it? In your opinion, what is the best method for choosing employees?

In most case, an interview is usually becoming the common step that a candidate should pass before getting a job. This essay will argue that this is not the appropriate way to become the standardization in the company for selecting employees because it cannot show their true ability while I would suggest the aptitude test as the better alternative.

Recruiting workers by an interview has limitation since this method does not provided opportunity to show their preference. This is because it just tests applicant's communication ability and does not involve practical skill which leads poor performance especially for people who are not used for speaking. For example, the machine technicians will be clumsy when doing interview test since they only fix the devices and rare to socialize with the others which lead them not pass although they have better capability.

The best way to know the applicants' real skill is conducting the aptitude test by the authorities of company. This is due to the reason that this test is suitable for every person since they can show their true ability in front of the examiners. A recent poll conducted by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that 73% of IT companies state that the aptitude test which asks candidates to make new programs is more effective rather than interviewing them.

The aforementioned evidence reveals that an interview is lack in some assessments which must be judged by the interviewer to provide best employee and an aptitude test would complete those weakness. 

RachelG 3 / 3  
Feb 21, 2016   #2
In most cases , an interview is usually ...
... it cannot show their true ability whileand I would suggest the ...

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