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Average annual expenditure on cell phone, national and international fixed-line services, 2001-2010

Phuongtam 1 / -  
Feb 27, 2021   #1
Give me some advice! Thank a lot!


The line graph illustrates on average how much money was spent annually on cell phone,national and international fixed-line services in the USA over a period of 9 years,starting in 2001.

It is clear that the average amount of money spent yearly on national fixed-line services declined, while the figure for cell phone services increased considerably during the period shown. Furthermore, customers spent the lest money on international fixed-line services in general.

In 2001, the average annual expenditures on national fixed-line services was $700,while the figure for cell phone and international fixed-line services were $200 and $250 respectively. Over the following 5 years, both mobile phone and national fixed-line services were spent the same amount of money,at $500, while the figure for global fixed-line services went up steadily.

From 2006 to 2010,the expenses on cell phone services experienced an upward trend to about $750. By contrast, the figure for global fixed-line services dropped exponentially down to $400. The average amount of money spent on international fixed-line services remained relatively stable during the period, around $300.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Feb 28, 2021   #2
Avoid run-on sentences in your summary overview. You will lose C&C points for presenting all the information in one long sentence when it should have been presented separately. By the way, you have to mention the starting year of the survey along with the ending year of the survey. Remember, you are summarizing the information so include all overview information that is easily seen from the image.

There is an incomplete information presentation in the third paragraph, the figure for global fixed line services does not indicate any measurement reference. Always present supporting information for each reference point. That way you truly inform the reader and retain the clarity of the presentation.

Home / Writing Feedback / Average annual expenditure on cell phone, national and international fixed-line services, 2001-2010
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