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Balance between city development and life quality. Commercialisation of Residential Neighbourhoods

aforuhar 1 / -  
Mar 26, 2016   #1
Maintaining balance between city development and quality of life at local scale is a complicated part of land-use planning which needs a comprehensive vision on social, environmental, and economic conflicts.

Commercialization of residential neighbourhoods can exacerbate these potential conflicts.
Over the recent years, many affluent neighbourhoods of Tehran Metropolis have been confronted with the unpleasant consequences of haphazard commercialization.
The present paper seeks to find out the roots, and spatial consequences of commercialization in the affluent neighbourhoods of Tehran Metropolis.
Thus, a survey is conducted on Gisha Neighbourhood by means of the quantitative and qualitative methods of development impact assessment, including semi-structured personal interview, direct observation, field survey, traffic survey, and impact ranking method.

The results yield that unplanned conversion of residential properties into regional-level commercial activities along the main street of Gisha Neighbourhood degraded the spatial qualities in terms of socio-cultural, spatial- physical and traffic aspects.
Yusri31 28 / 31 8  
Mar 26, 2016   #2
Dear Afuro

I will try to give you several suggestions. Please, check your essay, to be honest i cannot find the main idea your essay due to the reason that your essay is so rambling and irregular.

It is important to note that, in the title, you mention the life quality, however you did not explain it in your paragraph.

Maintaining balance between city [...] spatial- physical and traffic aspects.

Your paragraph should consist of several sentences...
1.The first sentence is your main idea : Balance between city development and life quality
2. The second and third sentence is your supporting sentence
3. The last sentence is your conclusion

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