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Benefits of advanced technologies, such as scanner and CCTV, outweigh their disadvantages.

amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Nov 1, 2016   #1
Some people believe that technological tools such as body scanner and CCTV have significantly enhanced our safety and security, while others feel that they have resulted in a loss of privacy. Do the benefits of these items outweigh their disadvantages?

It is generally assumed that the advancement of technologies, particularly scanner and CCTV, brings significant merits to our safety and security systems while some believe it merely leads to an adverse effect due to privacy loss. Although there is a drawback in the use of such technologies, I firmly believe the advantages outweigh disadvantages.

Those who believe scanner and CCTV only result in the raising of crime rate related to one's secrecy are because of such sophisticated technologies used in the wrong way by irresponsible people. For example, I have ever read the case regarding to the use CCTV in the restroom as well as private hotel room so as to record pornography content. This pornography content finally became viral on social media and the victims sued for justice and brought this case to court, and this case is still being processed.

However, I would argue this problem does not lie in those advanced technologies, but whom uses these devices. If these cutting-edge technologies are used in the right way by governmental official, such as police or security officers, then I strongly believe it will bring many advantages in the improvement of our security systems to prevent crime happens. For instance, there are many cases about smuggling drugs through airports that can be hindered or minimized due to scanner and CCTV installed in airports. In addition, if these technologies are harnessed for the sake of public interest, then we can have better society owing to crimes can be prevented to happen.

All in all, although there is a demerit in the use of advanced technologies, I believe the benefits outweigh the disadvantages if such technologies are used by the right hands. It will bring an improvement in our security systems so that people feel safer than before. Also, it can prevent crimes to happen at the same time.

306 words
Ymun 3 / 10 5  
Nov 1, 2016   #2
Maybe you rephrase -- it will bring many advantages in improving our crime prevention security systems

For instance, use of scanner and CCTV in the airports has helped prevent or minimize drug trafficking activities in the airports.

Home / Writing Feedback / Benefits of advanced technologies, such as scanner and CCTV, outweigh their disadvantages.
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