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Body Scanner and CCTV have significantly enhanced our safety and security

somasalims 15 / 27 5  
Feb 8, 2015   #1
Some people believe that technological tools such as body scanner and CCTV have significantly enhanced our safety and security, while others feel that they have resulted in a loss of privacy.

Do the benefits of these items outweigh their disadvantages?

Governments play a pivotal role to enhance safety and security of their citizens. Which is why they set up some technologically advanced equipment such as body scanners and video surveillance in a particular area, especially in public places. Whilst I think that these tools have given a rise to a loss of privacy, I firmly believe that using the technology has more positive than negative effects.

Kelley 2 / 3  
Feb 8, 2015   #2
overall, I think you did a great job writing the essay and you answered the question. but, in the third paragraph where the sentence starts off as "IN the Netherlands" I don't think you finished it or worded it correctly. Were you trying to say "In the Netherlands, there are many body scanners that are located in airports and bus stations"?
TJLuschen - / 241 203  
Feb 8, 2015   #3
Governments play a pivotal role [in enhancing the] to enhance safety and security of their citizens[, w]hich is why they set up some technologically advanced equipment such as body scanners and video surveillance in a particular area[s ], especially in public places. Whilst I think that these tools have given a rise to a loss of privacy, I firmly believe that using the technology has more positive than negative effects.

[First,] I would argue that security guards who use a body scanner can obviously see a person's body who passes through the tool as it detects objects without removing clothes or making physical contact. {this does not really give a reason supporting your thesis} A 2012 study conducted by [the] FAA shows that full-body scanners which [that] have operated in American airports have pictured a number of nude bodies. {this is a little unclear - I guess they are not supposed to do this?} Although this type of surveillance can save many people and airports, {"save airports" sounds odd} it also makes people inconvenient {no, it is inconvenient to people" - a person can not really be inconvenient, although they can be inconvenienced} as someone looks at their bodies. {this paragraph does not really support you thesis - try to show how this possible objection is not valid or important}

On the other hand, body scanners help some companies to secure their places. {"their places" sounds odd here} Since a full-body scanner can detect weapons and narcotics, people who [are] bring[ing] them are not allowed to come in a building and probably will be committed to prison{"committed to prison" sounds odd] . In [The] Netherlands, for example, were many body scanners which have been located in airports and bus stations. As a result, should criminals pass through the scanners, they are [will be] caught. There is no doubt that this has enhanced safety and security efficiently.

In addition, setting up some closed-circuit televisions in public places can help government to reduce [the] crime rate because the places are kept under surveillance. A result reveals that a growing number of CCTV systems have been installed in city centers of New York[, ] which is [has been] followed by other cities. As it can be seen from the example, the more money the city councils spend, the safer their city will be. {this is not that clear - maybe CCTV systems are cheaper than hiring additional police officers}

The aforementioned evidence shows that although technological security tools result in a loss of privacy, they have more advantages to prevent crimes. {this last part sounds odd - more advantages than what?} Where possible, the pictures and the records from the tools should be deleted after [being] analysed. {I would not really add a important piece of information like this in the conclusion}

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