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A breakdown of some changes in the rate of books read by both men and women at Burnaby Library

ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
Jan 18, 2016   #1
A breakdown of some alterations in the rate of books read by both men and women at Burnaby Public Library is illustrated in the line graph from 2011 to 2014. Overall, the aforementioned evidence reveals that, both gender experienced a growth in the level of books read in the first two years. However, the females witnessed a decline at the end of the period, while males stayed an upward trend.

In 2011, the number of books read by the females stood at approximately 5000 per year, while that for the males was half number of the females. However, 2012 to 2013 experienced a gradual rise in the number of books read by the females. Eventually, the females witnessed a significant decline at roughly 8,000 in 2014.

With regard to the number of books read by the males, 2012 saw a slight growth to 4000 per year, but then experienced a dramatic rise in 2013. Furthermore, in 2014, the level of books read by the males continued to rise significantly. In fact, it also reached its peak at 14,000 in the last year of the period.

fijarakbar25 11 / 13 2  
Jan 18, 2016   #2
All points asked are presented well
Here some suggestions

, while males stayed in an upward trend.

... females stood at approximately 50005,000 per year, while that for ...

... 2012 saw a slight growth to 40004,000 per year, but then ...

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