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A breakdown of English and French teachers selection in Ontario according to year of graduation

nuni11 33 / 30 5  
Jan 20, 2016   #1
The percentage of teacher recruitment based on year of graduation from 2001 to 2007

A breakdown of English and French teachers selection in Ontario according to year of graduation measured in the percentage from 2001 to 2007, a 6-year period, is presented in the line chart. Overall, it is noticeable that both occupations stood virtually the same. In any case, French-language teachers have the greatest percentage of recruitment in some years.

Moving to a more detailed analysis, 2001 saw nearly the same start for both subjects, English and French, at approximately 70% though there was a sharp fall for both job in the following year. However, in 2003, the recruitment of English teacher was predominantly undertaken by French teacher at about 40% and 68% respectively.

Turning to the next four years, the percentage of French teachers who have regular work increased considerably although there was a slight decrease by 2% in 2006, and it reached a peak of more than two fifth of the proportion. On the other hand, there was a gradual climb of English teacher selection until 2005. Afterwards, the hiring of English-language teachers hit a low of 18% in 2007. A more detailed look to the chart shows that the gap of teacher employment for both subjects was widened up.

Mardy17 32 / 18 5  
Jan 20, 2016   #2
Hi Nuni, you explain the chart very clear.
I just highlighted a few mistakes :)

... though there was a sharp fall for both jobS in the following year. However ON THE OTHER HAND, ...

Nuni, in my opinion, you use "teacher" word really repeatedly. So, I think it will be better if you look for the synonyms.

Here are the synonym enhancements.
fijarakbar25 11 / 13 2  
Jan 20, 2016   #3
You have a great explanation in your essay, but i found a very minor flaw. Let me get into detail

... there was a sharp fall for both jobjobs in the following year.

... and it reached a peak ofat more than two fifth of the proportion.

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