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'broaden horizons'; it is better to begin learning foreign language early

ravenet 6 / 22 2  
Oct 24, 2013   #1
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning foreign language at primary school rather that secondary school.Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

It is undoubtedly true that learning a foreign language can broaden people's horizons and help to expose different cultures. Although some people believe that these languages should be in primary schools, other people argue that it is enough to learn in adulthood.

On the one hand, children have an innate ability to learn new languages easily and very quickly. They learn new skills very faster than adults so that it would be a better age to teach new things such as languages. Learning a new language is more important for every child to communicate each other. Furthermore, in a primary school teachers mainly focus on teaching their native language in order to understand pupil's behaviours and their needs. They easily started to use it fluently as a result of their parents using them daily. Consequently, primary school teachers can use the second language to communicate with students to encourage them learning and using it in the future.

On the other hand, secondary school is the best place to teach a second language because pupils are mature and willing to learn new things in their life. However, subjects are taught in adulthood school is highly focused on preparing their students for higher education as a result teachers should concentrate on main subjects rather than teaching a new language. For example, students are in secondary schools, they have to refer a lot of subject related material and lecture notes to score higher marks in exams in order to get a placement in a prestigious university or college. Therefore, they cannot focus on sub subjects like a second language.

In summary, it is clearly true that learning a foreign language may broaden children's horizons and giving them endless opportunities. However, these languages teach in primary schools the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Please help me to all corrections that I made in this essay.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Oct 24, 2013   #2
Although some people believe that these languages should be in primary schools, other people argue that it is enough to learn in adulthood.

Let's look at your prompt too;

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning foreign language at primary school rather that secondary school.Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

This is not Agree/ Disagree type and also it just throws a statement and ask you discuss advantages and disadvantages. So, your above statement is not really in line with your prompt. This is what I suggest;

It is undoubtedly true that learning a foreign language can broaden one's horizons. According to some experts, it is better if children start learning foreign languages at the elementary level itself. Although there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with this idea, I personally believe that its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Oct 24, 2013   #3
... The first few sentences build up the justification for your belief that learning a foreign language at an early age is more advantageous. However, I don't understand why you suddenly talk about the part that teacher's focus on teaching native language. What's the connection and the reason for mentioning that? I don't get you :(
OP ravenet 6 / 22 2  
Oct 24, 2013   #4
Dear Dumi,

I have written this within time and I also feel that my answer is little confuse, and because I thought they did not ask my option here so that I just write in this way.

Now, I am clear and next time I will be more clear.

Dear Pahan,

What I thought is that how children are learning languages so I come with that idea to include teachers.

It is possible to you rewrite that paragraph, and it will help me to understand what I should have written rather than this.

Thank you both of you again for your great help.

Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Oct 24, 2013   #5
I think this is the best way to practice because these tasks you need to finish within the allocated time. It's ok that your essay don't turn up in early practice sessions, but you would feel that you will be improving with each essay. Now you can re-do those parts and re-post so that you become firm with ideas, vocabulary and correct grammar usage. So, my suggestion is to do the first one with time and post it here. Then with our comments, improve the essay to become more conversant with ideas, vocab and grammar. :)

Please do re-write :)

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