In that video, the speaker, David Kelly, talked about the way to build creativeness and confidence. In most of the time, people surrounding us gave a severely nasty judgment when we brought about the mistakes. Thus, it affected dire consequences in self confidence and creativeness causing people for tending to avoid a something new. In fact, this situation was not good as it was going to be the biggest barrier to develop their curiousty. To deal with this situation, he made reference to Albert Bandura, psychologist, creating a theory called guided mastery. In this regard, Bandura convinced people to deal with their problems, not avoid it. He did his method in several steps pertain to grow patient's confidence which is called confidence self-efficacy. Kelly also told a story about Doug Dietz discovering a medical imaging equipment. At the first time, Doug felt very happy since his invention was able to aid a large number of people. However, seeing the children crying because of being afraid of that machine, his feeling suddenly changed. Afterward, he decided to do makeover in his workplace like playground. Amazingly enough, it is work well and able to reduce the number of patients by 70 percent. Finally, speaker believed that creativeness and certainty were really important in our life.
How Build Creativeness and Confidence
Hi Aris, I want to give you advice
... speaker, David Kelly talks in regards to the way
this situation was not good due to the fact that it was going to be the ...
.., he made reference to Albert Bandura,a psychologist
Finally, the speaker believes that creativeness and certainty were so momentous in our life.
Good luck, Keep writing
... speaker, David Kelly talks in regards to the way
this situation was not good due to the fact that it was going to be the ...
.., he made reference to Albert Bandura,a psychologist
Finally, the speaker believes that creativeness and certainty were so momentous in our life.
Good luck, Keep writing